Mum found texts about cutting and wants chat...

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    • Mum found texts about cutting and wants chat...

      I was on holiday and my mum got really pissed at me, she took my phone off me and went through my texts. I cut myself a few months back because I hate myself and always feel like my family would be perfect if I had never been born, I'm the trouble kid that always does something wrong then that triggers arguments between my mum and stepdad. Anyway I stopped doing it and there are only 2 or 3 scars that aren't even that bad, but I text my friend who also did it for his own reasons, about it and she saw the texts but I never said why I did it so my mum wants to have a chat with me about it but we haven't got round to it yet and I don't know how to tell her that it's sometimes her fault that I did it and the other reasons why :(
    • Re: Mum found texts about cutting and wants chat...

      i know what you mean. not too long ago, i finally sat down and had a talk of my own with my mother about how she makes me feel like shit sometimes.

      it's important you let her know that she is the problem though, no matter how hard it is to fall through with that. because obviously if you are hurting yourself, then something has to change.
    • Re: Mum found texts about cutting and wants chat...

      Her fault sometimes because of how she reacts to the stuff I do, I'm the kid thats always in trouble and majority of the time she flips out at me, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, I came home with my neck covered in lovebites and she absolutely flipped out, I don't think it's that bad but she had me on lockdown for a month and took my xbox, phone and laptop off me, I don't see why I'm always in trouble aswell!
    • Re: Mum found texts about cutting and wants chat...

      Parenting: she's doing it right.

      I'm the trouble kid that always does something wrong then that triggers arguments between my mum and stepdad
      - you're triggering it, bro.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
