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    • Ok so I am 15 and involved in football, but I am overweight . My problem is that I am bi and I want to do it with a guy but no one wants to because I'm overweight and I only have thin people I trust the fact is no one can love me because of this weight I work put a lot and it just Dosent help I don't eat alit either all I want is someone with a six pack who won't judge me any help?
    • Re: Looks:(

      Jakob777dylan wrote:

      Ok so I am 15 and involved in football, but I am overweight . My problem is that I am bi and I want to do it with a guy but no one wants to because I'm overweight and I only have thin people I trust the fact is no one can love me because of this weight I work put a lot and it just Dosent help I don't eat alit either all I want is someone with a six pack who won't judge me any help?

      Ok if anyone has said they cannot or will not love you cos of your weight then they are not worth haveing.

      Most teens have a self confidence issue - its all part of growing up but you can change that by healthy weight lose. a bit more excersise - cut out any sugary treats or fizzy drinks etc.

      If all you want is guys with a six pack then its for you to decide is that realistic or have you got more to offer another. I know guys who think they are 2 skinny - a few guys who
      have an extra pounds on but -- again you can work on that and work on getting a bit

      of confidence and comy in your skin.

      Hope this helps you gotta love you man
    • well since you play football that is exercise daily. That will help improve your body.
      You should eat some protein. You could take a swimming class or a kick boxing class
      something to get you engaged...and you can have fun without realizing you are losing
      weight. P90x is a great work out video program...we do it for soccer and it kicks my butt
      but I feel great afterwards!!
    • Re: Looks:(

      Jakob777dylan wrote:

      Ok so I am 15 and involved in football, but I am overweight . My problem is that I am bi and I want to do it with a guy but no one wants to because I'm overweight and I only have thin people I trust the fact is no one can love me because of this weight I work put a lot and it just Dosent help I don't eat alit either all I want is someone with a six pack who won't judge me any help?

      Football and other sports will get your daily exercise in, so that helps a lot. Plus, you need to be conscious of what you're eating, not just how much; most of the foods advertised to the general public today are full of high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, and many other artificially-layered ingredients that keep you "puffy" and just makes the task of losing weight harder and harder.

      I would suggest staying away from sugary foods, candies, and soft drinks altogether. Up your intake of water to at least 4 glasses per day (this helps to flush out your system, as well as any water weight you may be holding) and start eating more fresh fruits (but don't go overboard) and vegetables and good fats, such as fish, nuts, and lean meats. Stay away from fried foods, or high-fat meats such as beef or pork, grains, and anything pre-baked or foods that require being put in the microwave (such as hotpockets). I also found that going on a low-carb diet helps to significantly trim excess fat. But if you're going to go low on carbs, you need to go high on "good fat" foods, such as I listed above. Remember, this is a process, not an event, so don't expect results in 2 hours. But if you maintain a steady plan and incorporate it into your life in a healthy way, you'll see wonderful, gradual improvements. :)

      But the main issue behind your problem is psychosomatic: it's all in your mind. I've seen plenty of people who've dated and/or had sex with overweight people. It's all about your perception of yourself, your confidence and how you project yourself out to the world. That's what people are attracted to. It's not healthy to just want to lose weight for other people, because you can never satisfy them. Just concentrate on what you want for your body; give yourself and your body the love and respect you know you deserve, and people will naturally be magnetized to you.

      And there's no rush in having sex. You're still young, and you'll have plenty of future opportunities with someone who (ideally) you actually care about, and you know who cares about you, not just for your looks or your weight.

      Just relax, enjoy life, and have fun :p
    • Re: Looks:(

      At 15, you shouldn't be worried about trying to "do it with a guy".

      You aren't helping yourself be "loved" when you're setting your standards high (i.e. something as superficial as your "six pack" requirement). No offense, but it's silly to set your standards high when you are, in fact, not very high standards.

      In regards to weight loss, if after reading these replies you still can't figure out why you aren't seeing results, consider talking to a nutritionist and bearing in mind that you won't see results overnight.