Eeerm...problem about a girl, help please?

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    • Eeerm...problem about a girl, help please?

      Well, I'm 17 and have never had a girlfriend and suffer from anxiety problems. I've had a massive crush of over 2 years on this one girl whos in the same class as me and who I think is the most amazing girl. Well long story short I told her how I felt and she rejected me which made me feel depressed. I thought I had gotten over her when I was talking to another girl and I said this to my friend (who is gay) who told the one I have a crush on about me liking this other girl who I later found out had a boyfriend. She then messaged me on facebook saying its Ok cause things wouldn't be so awkward in school. Well, I made a mistake, I realised the other day that my feelings are as strong as ever for this girl.
      What should I do?
    • Re: Eeerm...problem about a girl, help please?

      First things first. You obviously want to get this girl to like you, and as much as we guys want to believe that girls will like us for us, that simply isn't true. Most girls in high school are quite materialistic, and like guys who look good and dress nice. You want to make this girl like you but without convincing her. Now, I don't know how you dress, but try going out and buying some nice clothes that are in fashion where you live. If you don't know how, PM me, I'd be glad to help.

      Second, change your attitude. I don't mean this in a bad way, I just mean, change the way you act around people in public, mostly girls. It's not lying to anyone, it's just growing as a person. Be confident and go and talk to other girls, invite them to hang out, etc. Once this girl you like sees how you've grown so confident and how you hang with other girls, she'll subconsciously become a little jealous (all girls do when they think they've lost a guy who used to like them).

      Third. Once she notices, probably after a week or two, approach her again. This time, don't say you like her or anything, just start chatting. Invite her to hang out. Remember don't fall into the friend zone though, if you feel that happening, back away for a bit. Then, once she's interested in you, not necessarily romantically, just interested, ask her on a legitimate date. Take her to dinner at a nice restaurant. Nothing says boyish more than a date at the movies. A restaurant shows you're mature and classy, and can support yourself when you pay for dinner.
      Hope I helped! Good Luck!
    • Re: Eeerm...problem about a girl, help please?

      Bhenji wrote:

      First things first. You obviously want to get this girl to like you, and as much as we guys want to believe that girls will like us for us, that simply isn't true. Most girls in high school are quite materialistic, and like guys who look good and dress nice. You want to make this girl like you but without convincing her. Now, I don't know how you dress, but try going out and buying some nice clothes that are in fashion where you live. If you don't know how, PM me, I'd be glad to help.

      Second, change your attitude. I don't mean this in a bad way, I just mean, change the way you act around people in public, mostly girls. It's not lying to anyone, it's just growing as a person. Be confident and go and talk to other girls, invite them to hang out, etc. Once this girl you like sees how you've grown so confident and how you hang with other girls, she'll subconsciously become a little jealous (all girls do when they think they've lost a guy who used to like them).

      Third. Once she notices, probably after a week or two, approach her again. This time, don't say you like her or anything, just start chatting. Invite her to hang out. Remember don't fall into the friend zone though, if you feel that happening, back away for a bit. Then, once she's interested in you, not necessarily romantically, just interested, ask her on a legitimate date. Take her to dinner at a nice restaurant. Nothing says boyish more than a date at the movies. A restaurant shows you're mature and classy, and can support yourself when you pay for dinner.
      Hope I helped! Good Luck!

      This guy is 100% correct! Except for the assumption that all high school girls are materialistic. Some are, but most just want a boyfriend who can communicate how he feels as cliche as that sounds. And one who is open and doesn't want to change himself to suit the mainstream. I don't know, maybe that's just what instantly attracts me but many of my friends think the same thing.

      Good luck though :)
    • Re: Eeerm...problem about a girl, help please?

      dishingdetergent wrote:

      This guy is 100% correct! Except for the assumption that all high school girls are materialistic. Some are, but most just want a boyfriend who can communicate how he feels as cliche as that sounds. And one who is open and doesn't want to change himself to suit the mainstream. I don't know, maybe that's just what instantly attracts me but many of my friends think the same thing.

      Good luck though :)

      Weird. Girls at my highschool wanted the assholes.
      And there were definitely cases of WHY IS SHE WITH HIM?!

      Highschool was a blast.. I knew how to choose them.. got screwed over every time.
      Nice guys finish last! S'all good, still hot' at least I got that.

      ---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

      Anonymous wrote:

      Well, I'm 17 and have never had a girlfriend and suffer from anxiety problems. I've had a massive crush of over 2 years on this one girl whos in the same class as me and who I think is the most amazing girl. Well long story short I told her how I felt and she rejected me which made me feel depressed. I thought I had gotten over her when I was talking to another girl and I said this to my friend (who is gay) who told the one I have a crush on about me liking this other girl who I later found out had a boyfriend. She then messaged me on facebook saying its Ok cause things wouldn't be so awkward in school. Well, I made a mistake, I realised the other day that my feelings are as strong as ever for this girl.
      What should I do?

      All you can really do is move one mate. Heartbreaks suck. Took me 7 months to get over my ex who treated me like crap.. My first girlfriend, again, treated me like crap, took me over a year to get over her. Time heals these wounds.

      Keep trying till you find someone who loves you and you love them.