Dating my friend: Good Idea?

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    • Dating my friend: Good Idea?

      This girl and I have an extensive relationship as friends, since 5th grade when she moved to our school (we're seniors in high school now) Throughout the years, I have had a crush on her, and she has had a crush on/ dated my best friend, and she though she liked me but wasn't ready for a relationship. We're good friends and I have always felt I could confide in her.
      It's our senior year and I'm starting to have feelings for her again, but I know that we are really not compatible past friends. She is a vegetarian, I love dead pig. She is an environmentalist/hippie, I could care less. She tries hard in school and reads all the time, I slack off and play video games. These differences have always been fine in our friendship, but I know it would never work if we were dating.
      Lately I have noticed, however, that she will make long periods of eye contact with me while talking to a group of people, or she'll make a point to just talk to me for no reason, beyond what is normal for us. She has even been obviously making an effort to understand the dorky games I play like video games, D&D, or Magic: the Gathering. I am planing on talking to her about it, but if she does want to be more than friends for our last year in high school, should I just do it even though I know it won't be all hearts and roses? I want to, but I don't. You know?
      [FONT="Courier New"]"We write to make suffering endurable, evil intelligible, justice desirable and love possible." [/FONT]
      — Roger Rosenblatt
    • Re: Dating my friend: Good Idea?

      Bruce_Codwell wrote:

      This girl and I have an extensive relationship as friends, since 5th grade when she moved to our school (we're seniors in high school now) Throughout the years, I have had a crush on her, and she has had a crush on/ dated my best friend, and she though she liked me but wasn't ready for a relationship. We're good friends and I have always felt I could confide in her.
      It's our senior year and I'm starting to have feelings for her again, but I know that we are really not compatible past friends. She is a vegetarian, I love dead pig. She is an environmentalist/hippie, I could care less. She tries hard in school and reads all the time, I slack off and play video games. These differences have always been fine in our friendship, but I know it would never work if we were dating.
      Lately I have noticed, however, that she will make long periods of eye contact with me while talking to a group of people, or she'll make a point to just talk to me for no reason, beyond what is normal for us. She has even been obviously making an effort to understand the dorky games I play like video games, D&D, or Magic: the Gathering. I am planing on talking to her about it, but if she does want to be more than friends for our last year in high school, should I just do it even though I know it won't be all hearts and roses? I want to, but I don't. You know?

      There is your answer. You seem to know already what to do. Just follow your gut instinct.
    • Re: Dating my friend: Good Idea?

      what you do as a pastime and what you eat etc had no impact on the if or if not questions.

      I think you are assuming that because you feel there is such a diffrenace there can be no relationship and little chance of one working out. Seems clear she wants to get to know you more so I would say just go with the flow and see how it goes. Opposites attract kinda come to mind.