love triangle???

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    • Re: love triangle???

      If it were me, i'd take a step back and find somebody else. If you can find a fault with both of them (I.E: Casper being a dick, and having no lust with James) then how long do you think your relationship will last? and how much would you lose by being in that relationship? I know losing friends shouldnt hold you back from being with someone you might have a strong bond with, but if you dont see your relationship lasting then its not worth the risk.

      If you really want to be with someone you wont find any problems with them, whether it be their attitude, or lust, the person you'll have a long term relationship with, will be the person you dont find any faults in.

      PS. You should stop "fooling around" with your friends, it gives them the wrong idea, and it's wrong to go behind peoples back like that. (Caspers GF)

      You should make a clean break from both of them and say you just want to be friends, hopefully they'll accept that.