After 1st date, what does she want from me?

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    • After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      Last week I met this girl at a cookout, who obviously was interested in getting to know me, and after talking for a while on facebook, we realized we had similar interests. (Cmon, how man girls like Star Trek)

      So I asked her if she wanted to hang out with me and she said yes. (First date I've ever been on.) She suggested a place, so we went and had a good time, when all of a sudden she kisses me passionately (first real kiss)

      Seemed a bit akward at first, but I quickly got over that and we talked and laughed again. But she did this to me 3 times over the course of that trip.

      So I get home and we talk on facebook some more, she says she wants to see me again. So then I ask her if we were "in a relationship" now. (Maybe not too wise), then she tells me she's not really dating at the moment. And I'm like "What?"

      Help? I'm at a loss for words here.
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      Well, I'm possibly as confused as you, but I would say she probably just doesn't know what she wants.

      Maybe she thought she was ready for a relationship was really wasn't. The kissing bit and her asking about meeting again make it sound as though she was trying in some way.

      Or, she may be interested in just having someone who is like a boyfriend without having to commit to the title of girlfriend for herself.

      I'd suggest just talking to her for awhile and make her make the next move. If she doesn't after a little while, then I'd set sights elsewhere, at least for a relationship.

      Oh, and there are quite a lot of female trekkies! Go to a con someday and you'll be pleasantly surprised hah.
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    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      Well, I don't generally kiss a guy several times on a date if I'm not ready to call it a relationship, so that's all I have to go on. Perhaps you could try talking to her though. Be up front and simply ask her what is going on. If she's interested in you, she'll be honest and tell you. If she's confused, she'll probably say so. And, if she's not interested, she'll avoid the topic. At least, that's my experience.
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    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      You might have startled her by asking her if you were in a relationship with her, after the first date. That might scare me if I was in her situation. I mean you shouldn't really assume that you guys are dating just because you went on a date. Also I don't think the fb thing was a good idea. It does seem like she likes you, but maybe she's telling the truth and she's just not ready to be in a relationship. Don't lose hope though, i'm sure there's a reason, just try talking to her about it, subtly.

      [CENTER]I want to be fluent in your body language.[/CENTER]
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      I'm sorry guy, but it doesn't seem like she wants anything beyond what is essentially a possible repeat fling. She isn't up for commitment, and you can't persuade someone into that.
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    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      It doesn't seem like she wants a relationship right now, also it takes more than one date to be in a relationship anyway. She might just want to keep dating and not be tied down to one person.
      Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what a man is without pride, tell me what a man is without fire in his eyes.
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      So can I recover from this mistake? I haven't heard from her in a few days... :/

      ---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 AM ----------

      So do you think I screwed things up by moving to fast? Did I creep her out, ya think? I haven't talked to her in a bit... Anything I can say now?
      Thanks :P
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      It doesn't seem like she is confused. She kissed you several times throughout the date. That isn't confused if she does it multiple times. It seems like she really just wants a fling and that you were chosen as it. Bad move telling her to change her FB status, that actually made me kind of laugh lol, sorry. Anyway right now you just have to give her some space. Not distance yourself but just talk about something other than relationships. Just connect with her on another level. Maybe the fact that you have so much in common changed her mind or at least made her wonder if the fling thing was such a good idea. It's definetly possible but don't get you hopes up. Just talk to her and after a few days, I'd say a week or so, start working your way SLOWLY, back to the relationship topic. Don't push her or ask anything of her. Just talk. Best of luck. Let me know how it goes.
      For some great advice and some sweeet gameplay head over to my channel :)
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      Thanks, Terry, but I dunno if this thread is that great xD. Plenty of typos. Anyway, as I said we stay in touch via Facebook and she hasn't written back in 4 days. Maybe she's just inactive...
      As to the whole "fling" concept... I dunno. When I think of the kind of guy you might pick up for that, I don't come to mind. I'm not bad looking or anything, I'm just not the type whatsoever. And here's my real problem with that theory: We decided to go out after talking to eachother on Facebook. This is more of a personality thing than physical, I would think. Oh, and "SlightlyAboveNormal", thanks that made me feel better people laugh at my problems... (Kidding :P) Please, keep the advice coming.
    • Re: After 1st date, what does she want from me?

      Cubeydude wrote:

      So can I recover from this mistake? I haven't heard from her in a few days... :/

      ---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 AM ----------

      So do you think I screwed things up by moving to fast? Did I creep her out, ya think? I haven't talked to her in a bit... Anything I can say now?
      Thanks :P

      Well, guy, the thing is, you don't seem to have made a mistake. Perhaps she thought it was a step ahead for you to want her to change her fb status, but honestly, most girls don't repeatedly kiss a guy that they wouldn't want to be in a relationship with. I wouldn't say there is anything you can do. She just may not be the right girl for you.
      Please check out my blog at or check out my youtube videos at Thanks, loves!