Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

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    • Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

      So i just started dating this girl and yes i knew that she wasn't allowed out much but the thing is I'm not allowed to see her outside of school unless we're at a home football game which happen like once every two weeks. After i started dating her i also found out that 1. her parents don't let her date which didn't surprise me but 2. she's especially not allowed to date mexicans and 3. we can't look like we're dating when her sisters are around which is almost always!! For awhile it was bugging me but i knew I liked her so i didn't care well then i started noticing that i keep getting this feeling that maybe she doesn't like me and she just said yes because she didn't know how to say no or out of pity. Well i don't know what to do and at school i can't ask her about it because we're always surrounded by people. i don't really know what to do. On any of the situations. Anybody got some advice?? By the way i apologize for any grammatical mistakes and spelling errors I don't really like proofreading these things and my keyboard is like 10 years old along with the computer. Oh and we haven't been dating all that long its only been a few weeks and I'm not in love or anything I just know I caught these things early on and i know i really like her. So any advice thanks
    • Re: Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

      You can still talk to her about it, you do say you would be surrounded by people but you can just take her to talk with you somewhere else.
      Well a lot of parents make rules for their children but they still have a good meaning for it ofcourse. ("out of protection")
      And well I just saw your only 14, talk to her about it and be patient.. if you like her then stay with her and be patient untill her parents will allow her to date. or maybe you could talk with her parents more so they will trust you and then she could go outside do things with you. Also does she do things with her own friends in her free time? if yes then i just think her parents need to trust you/know you a bit more.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

      are you old enough to date? let me rephrase this, are you old enough to work, do you have a job, are you getting good enough grades to ensure a college degree in the future?

      focus on building your life. when you are ready for love, your love will be on the same road as you take.
      A sense of being part of the great all-inclusive life prompts us to reflect on our own place and on how we ought to live.
    • Re: Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

      Well since I don't wanna like requote or whatever to everyone I'm just gonna go all at once.
      She's not really aloud to hang out with friends after school from what I've seen and what she's told me she's only aloud out when she goes jogging ad if her sister doesn't go with her than her mom needs to know everywhere she jogged.
      As for that second person thing I know I'm just a kid and I need to focus but I've been looking for work since I was like 8 cause I hate not working for my things and I know what you mean focusing get a better future than worry about side things but I'm a teenager who can't have all work and no play and I don't like any sports really aside from skateboarding which is done as soon as winter hits and she is one of the few people I talk too (yea pathetic) so I mean I don't know I'll do both not just one.
      Yea I know it's ridiculous but her parents don't even know who I am and as soon as they found out their daughter was hanging around a Male Latino I have a feeling more rules would be set in place. If that's possible.
    • Re: Her Parents, My Skin, and Dating

      Then maybe she has to introduce you to her parents and just tell them you are a really good friend and nice etc. and then you can talk to them maybe a lil, then they might trust you a bit more.

      Kinda stupid of the parents that she cant even hang out with her friends, I know parents want to protect their children but comon this is a bit too much, like this shell miss some things.

      Or she would need to talk to them herself, maybe if that works.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.