I'm here to help! I give relationship help, life, ect.

    • I'm here to help! I give relationship help, life, ect.

      I came to this website mainly to help people who are having problems in relationships, life, parents, religion, and just your every day run of the mill help!

      So, I'll start off my life story from the very beginning. Be aware, this is my life story, so it is very long.

      When my mom got pregnant with me, my real dad left because he didn't want to take on the responsibility of another child. No warning, nothing. Just left. Then, two months after I was born, He came back, divorced my mom, and left again with the legal rights of my second oldest brother. Sooner or later, (because my mom was out of a job at the time), we became homeless. And I lived like that for about three years. My mom, my eldest brother, Me and a cat named Mama Kitty(who had around eight kittens).
      At the end of three years, an old, very generous man named Jack had seen us, and told us that we could live in his garage/shed. He said he never used it, so he would let us stay in there till my mom found a job.
      About a month later she got a job as a waitress in a sports bar, where she met my asshole step-dad Paul. But he was a railroader, with a lot of money, and he liked my mom. and she liked him too.
      He gave her money enough to go and apply for a collage nursing program, and she got in. her next job was a nurse at Pheonix Childrens Hospital. This pole-vaulted us into an apartment in Pheonix, three hours away from our original home in the shed. But it was better than the small garage. Wasy better. By then, I was in Second grade. Within half a year later, we moved back to this small town, and got a house about a block down from Jack's Shed. It was a small place that could fit all My mom, Micheal and me. That, and it was reletivly close to Pauls house, as my mom was still in 'love' with him. I was in fourth grade when my brother was kicked out of our house for running away too many times. It was a sad time, and my mom started smoking, and I had no one to console me. I would hide in my room all day after school, and the summers were long and hard. But then, Linda, my moms best friend moved back into town. She and my mom met in church when i was born, and at the time, her son, (Seth) was with her. Seth is older than me by a year, and he has been my best and only good friend since that day at mass, when we both had binkies in our mouths. Sooner or later, when I was in sixth grade, My mom and Paul decided to get married. And we all moved to a two-story house, (which is where I reside now), and finally, my mom and I were happy. For a time. Soon, they had kids, and Paul would always bitch about having to take care of them, when my mom had a shattered pelvis and she STILL took care of them, and he rarely paid attention to them. He gets drunk often and my parents get in a screaming match almost every day.

      This story is long enough, so I won't go further. But long story short, I have been in almost every bad scenario that could possibly happen. I can help. I am only a freashmen in Highschool, but I think I can help. So don't be afraid to ask. Please.