Relationship Advice.

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    • Relationship Advice.

      If you're in a relationship then you know that it can be a challenging thing to keep going and wear you down if things get tough. I'm going to give some advice on what a good relationship should consist of so you can see if your relationship is worth keeping.

      1. Care - Obviously they should care for you the same way you do. If you feel that you do a lot for them but don't get much in return or they don't really say much to you after you doing something nice, then that can be a sign they're not bothered.

      2. Listen - Communication is very important in a relationship but its not all about talking, its all about listening too! If you listen to your partner the majority of the time and you cant get a word in, or when you do speak, they don't seem interested at all or talk over you, then they're not only being rude, but they're obviously not caring about what you're talking about. They should listen to you just as much as you listen to them so you feel like you're being heard.

      3. Jealousy - You may think a bit of jealousy is a good thing, it may even make you feel more precious to that person. We all like to feel loved and wanted, right? I guess a little bit is okay but too much of it can seriously ruin a relationship. If your partner stops you from speaking to ANYONE, even if its a person you don't particularly like, that's still a bad sign. By doing this, they're taking away your freedom of doing what you want and making it more likely that you don't run off with the next person. If they say you're looking at another person in a flirtatious manner, ALL the time, that's also a bad sign. It shows they don't trust you and are insecure themselves. These kind of people get very possessive and you're not an object to be possessed, so don't let them and get out of the relationship!

      4. Embarrassed - If you go out with your partner and you run into their friends and they act like you're not there, don't introduce you or even ignore you when you talk, can be a sign that they're embarrassed to be with you. That is wrong. If they truly loved you, they'd want the whole world to know, so a couple friends wouldn't hurt and they'd happily put up with a bit of teasing.

      5. Friends - I cant emphasise enough how important it is to keep your friends close because not every relationship lasts forever and to have supportive friends would help you move on. If you push your friends away (or your partner forces you due to possessiveness), then you're ultimately pushing away your life, because your friends are your life. Without them, you'd feel lonely and you definitely feel lonely after a break up!

      6. Sex - If all they want is sex, then that's all they want, not you! You're just the object that gives them that pleasure. If every single time you see them, they want sex, even if you don't, then you can tell they're real intentions and you should leave them. Also if they ignore you when you tell them NO, then that's another example of them not caring for your feelings. Its also considered rape if you refuse but they continue trying and you end up sleeping with them.
      Always use contraception! Don't ever think 'oh i wont get pregnant this one time'... theres a 99% chance you will get pregnant. No contraception = No sex.

      7. Perfection - If your partner constantly goes on about the way you look, telling you to change your clothes, wear make-up, tell you to gain or lose weight or just insult your looks, then obviously they don't love you the way you are and they want to change you for what they want. If that's the case, let them go find the person that they want, whilst you go find a proper partner!

      8. Trust - If you trust your partner but they don't trust you, that can cause many problems and can lead to possessiveness and jealousy which you wish to avoid. Trust is very important in a relationship and if you have barely any, then you can wave goodbye to the whole relationship.

      9. Lying - If you find out that your partner is constantly lying about the smallest of things or makes excuses for everything, then they're not very trustworthy in a lot of things.

      10. Taken for Granted - In the beginning, you may go on dates and the other is always on time or even early to come and see you.. this obviously changes later on. Its obvious when your partner is taking you for granted when they tell you "oh ill be there at 8" and they turn up at about half 9. They expect you to continue waiting, just like they expect you to always be there if they're a dick to you. If they don't turn up on time, go out! Thats what my mum always says, they're wasting your time so go and spend it doing something better other than waiting on them! If they stop taking you out and keeping you feeling special, then they obviously feel like they've got you firmly in their hands and you'll always be there so they don't have to put as much effort in. You should remind them of your first dates and how much they tried then. You shouldn't be taken for granted!

      Well those are the ten tips! Obviously dont take this soo seriously with your relationship that you read it like a guide book! Its just basic warning signs of a relationship going down hill.

      Thank you for reading :)
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