My ex is giving me mixed signals and I don't know what to think anymore

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    • My ex is giving me mixed signals and I don't know what to think anymore

      Okay, my ex and I have been running circles around each other since we broke up a couple of months ago. And She’s just been giving me signals left, right and centre. I’ve got no clue anymore what she wants or how she feels.

      A couple of weeks ago she started to say “I love you” whenever we hug. She’s never said that before. We hug pretty much every time we see each other, even if it was just five minutes before hand, but lately the hugs have been deeper if that makes any sense. We hold each other rather than hug. And it feels deep. She has also told me that I’m the sweetest, kindest and most caring guy she’s ever met.

      She is also struggling with depression and she uses sex to fill that void, and we were talking a couple of days a go and she said that while she feels sex is necessary, she’s sick of it. That’s she wants a guy to love her and look after her. Meanwhile I was sitting right there. Then on Monday she came to me and said there’s a chance she could be pregnant with a some guy, she said he didn’t pull out despite her telling him to and she was afraid. The guy she slept was already acting like he used her so if she was pregnant there wouldn’t be any help from him. Her family, while being Catholics, would want her to have an abortion because it was out of wedlock. Mind you she hasn’t tested yet because she need to wait until she can. I’m not sure if you do that but I don’t know a lot about pregnancy. So she’s scared, I wouldn’t blame her. She was then asking me I would still be her friend, go to the doctors with her and be seen with her. I told her the truth, that I would always be there for her. She was getting ahead of her self but again, she was scared. We were than talking on facebook and when I asked her how she was feeling she said that her ex before me had cheered her up. She also said, and I confirmed this with him, that he said that her and I would be great for each other and make a really good couple. She then said “ignore him, he’s just trying to make me feel better. And this deflated me. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not doing this just for a relationship; I mean it would be wonderful but I care for her and will be there for her even if she doesn’t feel the same way.
      However today, we were talking and it got on the topic of me and girls and she was asking if I was interested in any of my friends. You see I have a lot of friend who are girls, a lot. Most of them very pretty and great girls but I’m not interested in hem like that and I told her that. She then asked:

      “Do you like anyone?’
      “No no, I mean do you like like someone?”
      “Aw I.....I really like like you too”

      And I just can’t get my head around this. One minute she say she ‘like likes’ me but before than she said ignore anyone if they said we would be great together. She’s giving mixed signals all over the place and I just don’t know what to think. It’s just driving me crazy, I just want a straight answer for once but I don’t want to be blunt about it incase it puts her off or does something to our friendship. I’ve always been told that girls will never give a straight answer and that you’ll never understand them but this is just borderline ridiculous.
      She’s had a rough time, not just with this. She's adopted and one of the brothers constantly reminds her of it, her friends make fun of her and on top of that; her ex I mentioned before, until now, he was horrible to her. He would bring his girlfriend to where she would hang out, call her things and just be a massive dickhead to her. Two weeks ago she came to me crying and offloaded that when they were dating he had abused her physically, mentally, emotionally and had come very close to abusing her sexually
      I know she is going through a rough time and has been through rough times but I can’t help but feel a little exasperated about the whole thing. My friends tell me that I should back off a bit but I can't. They don't know what is and what has been going on in her life and she needs someone to be there for her no matter what. I love her, I’m only seventeen so I don’t really know what love it but if this is not love then its pretty damn close. I don’t care of she’s a mess inside, cut’s herself, is depressed, sleeps around or might be pregnant. I don’t care but at the same time I’m just at the end of my tether here.

      So any advice you have would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by J.Loaf ().