Am I being unreasonable about this other girl?

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    • Am I being unreasonable about this other girl?

      I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and I feel very comfortable with him, the first 1-2 years there has been a few mess ups as he has liked 4 other girls while being with me and once ended it with me completely cause of one of the girls.

      It is hard for me to trust him sometimes but none the less I always try to trust him as much as possible as I love him too much.

      Recently there has been a new girl that has joined his work and she has a boyfriend, but I have a feeling something isn't right. My boyfriend would never cheat on me and I know that for a fact, however last Sunday they had a work party and he told me later that night that he was dancing and holding hands with her. I got really upset about this and I have confronted him about it several times as I can't let it pass.

      I really need other people's advice as I don't know whether I am being completely silly about the situation or whether it is something to be on my conscience. In my mind I don't think I am being stupid as he knows how upset this girl makes me and I have told him several amount of times that she makes me feel uncomfortable. Therefore I would feel this more disrespectful to me as he should know not to.

      Please help me.... I don't want to feel like i'm being stupid anymore.....

      The post was edited 2 times, last by laylarosabel ().

    • Re: Am I being unreasonable about this other girl?

      Well I think your right, I should be upset too and he shouldnt even do that if he has you. I think you should talk to him about it and then he NEEDS to choose, since if he does that everytime I would suggest you to leave him if he keeps doing that shit to you.
      If he would really like nd care about you he shouldnt need to hold hands with another girl.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Am I being unreasonable about this other girl?

      I can understand that you're upset about it, however you do need to trust him more.
      If there were ulterior motives, surely he would have kept it from you. However, he didn't - he told you about it.

      Relationships are built on trust.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: Am I being unreasonable about this other girl?

      I don't think you are unreasonable. For me you are completely right. If you had told him about all this before then he must not do all such things to upset you if he really loves you. Just give him one more chance and tell him about what makes you upset and if he again repeats the same, then I think he's not worth for you.