Trying Again With An Ex

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    • Trying Again With An Ex

      So I started dating a guy a year ago today actually. Although we did not date for a year, we broke up after about 5 months, so 7 months ago. We talked back in May about getting back together, but decided maybe it wasn't the time. We still talked constantly, and in September we were talking more about how maybe the timing just wasn't right when we started dating, and that maybe there was a chance in the future.

      Part of the reason we broke up was because we had gotten in a fight and i didn't feel like he wanted to be with me for the right reasons. We never did anything throughout the relationship . We kissed and made out and that stuff but nothing sexual. And i felt like that is what he wanted and that he was getting bored because i wouldn't do it.

      We've talked now about how I have changed and I would be more open to doing stuff with him, but he had wanted to try things again before I had told him that. But now i'm afraid that may be all he is looking for.

      He is by far the best relationship i've had and i really missed everything about him. I went to his football game last night with his family and it was almost as if nothing had changed.

      Should I try again? Or just leave with the memories I have?
    • Re: Trying Again With An Ex

      I would try one last time. You will regret it in the future if you don't,but you know what would suck? If you guys lost the friendship between the two of you. If you guys have another break up ("if") and there is jealousy involved and mad and sad chemistry. You could lose your best friend. Is it worth it? You have him on a emotional connection! Not physical. Most guys would run when there is no sex involved,but he is still there right by your side. That's gotta tell you something :) Get him some roses,wrap them yourself! (Or at least tell him you did and let the floral lady do it for you :) And when you see him give them to him and say he played great last night and that you are proud.
      Have a great day!