What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

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    • What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      I have been depressed for about a 1 and 1/2 years now. I was just wondering how people perceive depressed people. Is it like I'm not mentally stable if you find out Im on prozac? Do you think of me differently?
      I just want to know the answers to these questions, most people dont talk to me at college, just because I don't conform to their ways. I'm just really confused as to why everyone thinks of me as a freak just when really it's probably partly their fault Im like this.... this probably doesnt make any sense at all.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      I think that everyone has depression at one point and time especially when they are in school. I'm not sure how you can blame the world for the way you are, is society controlling you? You have to want to change, maybe the problem is you aren't willing to give yourself the chance to consider their ways, you may end up happier if tried to fit in.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      I agree, it's not the worlds faught we depressed. It sure makes it easier to blame everyone else though, been there done that but didn't do me any good.
      I refused to take the medication though, thats just masking the problem. You need to deal with it, not cover it up.I went to counceling and got help. There are some free clinics for those who can't afford it. And hospitals usually have some free classes for folks with different problems or issues.
      You need to make your mind up 1st that you are tired of being depressed and do something about it to change your outlook. Try treating yourself to something nice to get you going. And tell yourself every day how much you love yourself and how great you are. You need to have confence and love in yourself if yu want others to be same.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      I feel depressed and frustrated sometimes, I think it's mainly to do with the pressure that is put on me at school from both my parents and my teachers and also coursework.

      Everyone feels depressed at one point in their life.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      You make sense. Don't ever think you don't. You are entitled to what you're feeling and the world should respect that. Depression does have a cure and I'm glad you are actually taking Prozac because that can really help you to think straight. It's different to be a depressed person and a person who is just depressed. People just couldn't understand that the kind of depression you get when you are pressured is like the tenth of the kind of depression that people like the poster actually suffer. How do I explain it? It's like you're falling into a black hole and you feel like there's no way out. You're falling but you're not dying... Just falling.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      I know exactly how you feel. I've been diagnosed with depression too, and I've been on citalitaphram (is that how you spell it?) for almost 5 years. I hate how, whenever people learn you have depression, every word that comes out of your mouth is a prelude to a suicide attempt!
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      Duality wrote:

      Everyone feels depression at one time. It's called puberty. I can't tell you to stop feeling depressed but every time you do, just do something that will make you feel better.

      Depression doesn't happen to everyone, not clinical depression. There's a big difference between depression and being in the dumps because of school work.
      And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
      -Walt Whitman
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      lost_in_the_pretty_rain wrote:

      I have been depressed for about a 1 and 1/2 years now. I was just wondering how people perceive depressed people. Is it like I'm not mentally stable if you find out Im on prozac? Do you think of me differently?
      I just want to know the answers to these questions, most people dont talk to me at college, just because I don't conform to their ways. I'm just really confused as to why everyone thinks of me as a freak just when really it's probably partly their fault Im like this.... this probably doesnt make any sense at all.

      Oh My God! You're me! I'm 16, haven't had a girlfriend since junior school, seem to be living in a strange world of highs and lows and sometimes I think I'm going mad. (And you're english which makes you cool)
      People seem to think I'm some freak from another planet just because I'm different and I don't know why I'm different I just am. It's like no one can take me serious because I'm me and I don't get that!
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      i have had depression for about 1 year it all started when i seen my best mate laying in a pool of blood and when ever someone finds out i have depression they treat me like some freak so i no where your comming from.
    • Re: What do you think of when i tell you that i suffer from depression?

      Honestly, I wouldn't think of you any differently. I might be depressed myself, and one of my closest friends suffers from depression. I don't think the topic of depression is anything to shy away from, or be weirded out by.
      [COLOR="Silver"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]Back me down from backing up
      Hold your breath, now, it's s t a c k i n g up!
      Etched with marks, but I can deal
      And you're the p r o b l e m, and you can't feel.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]