I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

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    • I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      Alright, So I just have this gut feeling this weird tingling feeling that this boy likes me in the same way I kind of like him.

      But at the same time I feel that it's not the right time for us now that we're way too still young but that in the future we may possibly meet each other again and be together? But I'm not sure if I should trust my gut or not because people say he hates me but something just feels very very odd?

      I haven't talked too him for a while now over 2 weeks now but I still get this feeling when I see him like something's there between us I can feel it I hope I'm not trucking myself though!?

      His name is Andrew I met him in the 7th grade and I’ve known him for 3 years we were both really shy and reserved. We only had lunch together but we had our little chats and laughs through the year. I started too write letters too him in the 7th grade too I would always decorate them and ask his friends to give it too him and stuff he would say “he didn’t care, if I liked him or not”/”He didn’t care” and stuff.

      Then, 8th grade we were in the same classes, we got to know each other a little better we barely talked I still wrote Letters too him (my bad communication skills) and he would still occasionally stare at me but when I would try and talk too him he would be a jackass sometimes especially when his friends were around.

      The last day of 8th grade comes around, and I look around for him because he’s not in the classroom with our class I end up finding him sitting in computer lab and I ask him what he is doing there, and he says to me “I just want to be alone” I make a frown face and walk away then I come back. And decide to help him put up the Technology so we end up spending most of the last day together I help him pack up the Technology while chatters on about "How he doesn't need my help" when he clearly had too much equipment in his hands I talk to him a little, and I even accidental bumped into him, and touched his hand (I still had a semi-crush on him at this time). But the day ended pretty well.
      Now, I'm in 9th grade I have one class with him and see him at lunch I still sincerely like him a lot I mean sure he's hurt me a lot and can be a jackass but come on he's dealt with me for like 3 years I freakin Love him, truly no matter what.
      We've argued a lot though about dumb stuff I asked him to go to peer mediation because we kept on fighting and it was getting physical and he ended up getting closer and closer too my face so close like he was about too kiss me and started yelling at me "it's not my problem" in front of everyone outside.

      And I go, off on him the next day and then I apologize too him, he says "okay" and then a few weeks pass and we talk a little he's a litte more nice and stuff then I ask him if he has a "crush" on me while I am walking behind him he just says "No" doesn't yell or anything just an emotionless no and I write a letter that says "thank you for saying NO that you don't have a crush on me made me so happy" then I find out he threw the letter away from a boy or something.

      We did end up going and it was a waste but I still see him around in school and have a class with him but I haven't been talking
      Too him or paying any attention to him because I'm just scared that I can't tell him how I feel
      He still stares at me a lot in class and I just wanna know what his true feelings are too?
      Because Apart of me is still really in love with him but then there's this other part that doesn't understand why he's like this he treats me different than all the girls he lets other girls play and touch his hair and then when I did it he kinda screamed or something weird?

      I want to confess too him before I move? I've waited 3 years to tell him.

      1 Weird thing he does?

      Looks at me or Sometimes Stares
      At Me outside, when we run into each other in class.

      We only have 1 class and 1 Lunch together....Today when I came in to school I saw him standing outside talking to a friend then I saw him talking to a friend outside so I just decided
      to walk too class by myself then I looked back and he was staring at me?
      Andrew really means a lot to me though, even though sometimes he gets on my nerves but I know he means no harm he just a messed up in some ways, but I still love him a lot. :)

      I haven't talked to him in a while though but every-time I walk pass him or see him he's always starring at me? Like yesterday I was in the Tech hall working and his class was on there and I started playing like video games against them just goofing off with some if the boys :)
      And he sometimes kept looking over at me, especially when I walked near or in his direction
      Which kinda made me really nervous :o ?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Anikia ().

    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      Hate to be the one to break it to you, but this guy does NOT have a crush on you. I fail to see how you can't seem to get that through your head. You sound like a total stalker tbh. He's told you no time and time again. No means no. And now you want to confess to him? Why, I mean he blatently knows you fancy the pants off him. Get over him, and stop being such a stalker, it won't get you anywhere.

      God, I hope you are a troll.

      But if you're serious, please, just don't ever reproduce.
    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      (8)jaseyrae<3 wrote:

      Hate to be the one to break it to you, but this guy does NOT have a crush on you. I fail to see how you can't seem to get that through your head. You sound like a total stalker tbh. He's told you no time and time again. No means no. And now you want to confess to him? Why, I mean he blatently knows you fancy the pants off him. Get over him, and stop being such a stalker, it won't get you anywhere.

      God, I hope you are a troll.

      But if you're serious, please, just don't ever reproduce.

      jaseyrae is being super pessimistic. Sure he doesn't like you, but we all make mistakes in love. Life gives everyone tons on test runs, and they all seem real. From a guy's perspective, he may like you as a friend, but chances are his affections lie elsewhere. I personal have made a few facepalm decision, but we learn from all of them. hang in there. :)

      P.S. guys don't usually like the letter thing
      "motivational and/or inspiring quote"
      -well known boss status historical figure
    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      imagination wrote:

      jaseyrae is being super pessimistic. Sure he doesn't like you, but we all make mistakes in love. Life gives everyone tons on test runs, and they all seem real. From a guy's perspective, he may like you as a friend, but chances are his affections lie elsewhere. I personal have made a few facepalm decision, but we learn from all of them. hang in there. :)

      P.S. guys don't usually like the letter thing

      Yeah, maybe I'm wrong but I haven't been messing with him for like 1 month now I have been more into my studies lately in school so I'm quite busy. :p

      but I now have like some classes with him and he's always acting all weird and stuff like I'll
      Turn around and start talking to one of my firends and he'll just sit there starring at me
      While I'm talking to my friend lol? And every-time I'm around he's alweys starring or doing something weird and it just keeps making me think is does he like me? :O or is he starring because I'm ugly I don't know I'm probably wrong but I feel like he still could maybe I'm just being stubborn :)

      Really I did not know the letter thing guys did not like
      I always handmade mines and ask my friend to give it too
      Him my social skills are horrible (Aspergers) so I resorted to letter writing instead!

      Thanks for answering
      I just feel this strange feeling that he does though sorry,
      Imagination I've been having it tough these weeks involving
      My feelings about/for him?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Anikia ().

    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      Sorry, i didn't know about the aspergers. In that case, the letter writing is actually a good idea. One thing I know is that guys never stare at girls because their ugly. It's actually not uncommon for guys to stare and just get lost in thought, and that might be the case. (I've done it a few times myself) The only reason I said letters usually don't turn out well is because they can be seen as a sign of an over-attached gf, and that obviously is not the case here. Also, it's good that you're connecting with other people.
      good luck
      "motivational and/or inspiring quote"
      -well known boss status historical figure
    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      Anikia wrote:

      Alright, So I just have this gut feeling this weird tingling feeling that this boy likes me in the same way I kind of like him.

      But at the same time I feel that it's not the right time for us now that we're way too still young but that in the future we may possibly meet each other again and be together? But I'm not sure if I should trust my gut or not because people say he hates me but something just feels very very odd?

      I haven't talked too him for a while now over 2 weeks now but I still get this feeling when I see him like something's there between us I can feel it I hope I'm not trucking myself though!?

      His name is Andrew I met him in the 7th grade and I’ve known him for 3 years we were both really shy and reserved. We only had lunch together but we had our little chats and laughs through the year. I started too write letters too him in the 7th grade too I would always decorate them and ask his friends to give it too him and stuff he would say “he didn’t care, if I liked him or not”/”He didn’t care” and stuff.

      Then, 8th grade we were in the same classes, we got to know each other a little better we barely talked I still wrote Letters too him (my bad communication skills) and he would still occasionally stare at me but when I would try and talk too him he would be a jackass sometimes especially when his friends were around.

      The last day of 8th grade comes around, and I look around for him because he’s not in the classroom with our class I end up finding him sitting in computer lab and I ask him what he is doing there, and he says to me “I just want to be alone” I make a frown face and walk away then I come back. And decide to help him put up the Technology so we end up spending most of the last day together I help him pack up the Technology while chatters on about "How he doesn't need my help" when he clearly had too much equipment in his hands I talk to him a little, and I even accidental bumped into him, and touched his hand (I still had a semi-crush on him at this time). But the day ended pretty well.
      Now, I'm in 9th grade I have one class with him and see him at lunch I still sincerely like him a lot I mean sure he's hurt me a lot and can be a jackass but come on he's dealt with me for like 3 years I freakin Love him, truly no matter what.
      We've argued a lot though about dumb stuff I asked him to go to peer mediation because we kept on fighting and it was getting physical and he ended up getting closer and closer too my face so close like he was about too kiss me and started yelling at me "it's not my problem" in front of everyone outside.

      And I go, off on him the next day and then I apologize too him, he says "okay" and then a few weeks pass and we talk a little he's a litte more nice and stuff then I ask him if he has a "crush" on me while I am walking behind him he just says "No" doesn't yell or anything just an emotionless no and I write a letter that says "thank you for saying NO that you don't have a crush on me made me so happy" then I find out he threw the letter away from a boy or something.

      We did end up going and it was a waste but I still see him around in school and have a class with him but I haven't been talking
      Too him or paying any attention to him because I'm just scared that I can't tell him how I feel
      He still stares at me a lot in class and I just wanna know what his true feelings are too?
      Because Apart of me is still really in love with him but then there's this other part that doesn't understand why he's like this he treats me different than all the girls he lets other girls play and touch his hair and then when I did it he kinda screamed or something weird?

      I want to confess too him before I move? I've waited 3 years to tell him.

      1 Weird thing he does?

      Looks at me or Sometimes Stares
      At Me outside, when we run into each other in class.

      We only have 1 class and 1 Lunch together....Today when I came in to school I saw him standing outside talking to a friend then I saw him talking to a friend outside so I just decided
      to walk too class by myself then I looked back and he was staring at me?
      Andrew really means a lot to me though, even though sometimes he gets on my nerves but I know he means no harm he just a messed up in some ways, but I still love him a lot. :)

      I haven't talked to him in a while though but every-time I walk pass him or see him he's always starring at me? Like yesterday I was in the Tech hall working and his class was on there and I started playing like video games against them just goofing off with some if the boys :)
      And he sometimes kept looking over at me, especially when I walked near or in his direction
      Which kinda made me really nervous :o ?


    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      ok first, don't beg is a good idea, and second, what the hell is wrong with saying sorry?
      and the thing about him hurting you, i'd be worried, don't accidentally get yourself in an abusive relationship, and don't try to just get him to be your bf or whatever, it's easier if you just be friends first and worry about the rest later
      and remmember, if you don't get him, it's not the end of the world, sure there are a lot of jerks out there, but there are also plenty of nice guys in this world, so don't get TO hung up about it if things don't work out
      best of luck =)
      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Do you know that gods of death love apples?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: I have this weird feeling that he has a crush on me does he?

      pyrosonicpony wrote:

      ok first, don't beg is a good idea, and second, what the hell is wrong with saying sorry?
      and the thing about him hurting you, i'd be worried, don't accidentally get yourself in an abusive relationship, and don't try to just get him to be your bf or whatever, it's easier if you just be friends first and worry about the rest later
      and remmember, if you don't get him, it's not the end of the world, sure there are a lot of jerks out there, but there are also plenty of nice guys in this world, so don't get TO hung up about it if things don't work out
      best of luck =)

      Hi, sorry for my late reply I've been studying for school:wink:

      Yeah, I was worried after the incident too,:confused: it really confused me a lot I stopped talking too him for like the whole month last year, then the last day of school I ended up helping him with packing and we talked a bit it was actually kinda nice:rolleyes:?

      When the Incident happen The principal also both called our parents in for a meeting it went okay we were both all quite and shy it was awkward:o!

      But I haven't been messing with him at school for about 4 weeks now I've been stressed out because I'm waiting for testing in school so I can get an IEP, and get help in my classroom.

      I have about 2 classes with him and I sit in the front and he sits like 2 seats behind me and my friend next too me is now all like "hey he's staring at you?" and then I'm like "shut up, I'm trying too just ignore it he doesn't like me" and then she tells me too look behind I finally just go along with her and I look back and he just turns his head the other way :angeldevil:!

      It's so dumb I know but I must be an Idiot I'm so nervous too talk too him I just want him to continue hating me because I can't express too him how I feel and I don't know a part of me wants too be friends with him, but it's like I feel that he likes me and that if a miracle was somehow to happen and we were to actually become friends :confused: I kinda have this feeling that we or maybe just me would accidentally deeply fall for him in a weird way:confused:?

      But a part me I'm so sorry, just has this feeling that he likes me but I'm not sure in what way he likes me I feel like it's more than friend but should I listen to my gut or am I just an idiot a dummy and trying to fool myself I'm confused and a tad but broken inside.

      I don't know anymore (him and I) Wong and I have dealt with each other for 3 years now but we've never really communicated because we both have difficulty communicating with each other?

      I haven't talked too him in a while, I'm stressed about school a bit so I've been busy and haven't been on him and stuff, but I can't help but get this weird feeling away from me even though everyone says he hates me or doesn't like me what should do???:(