Fucking mormons

  • Fucking mormons

    God damnit, oh sorry mother fucking god. I'll sing the 80s. I'll be glad to sing the god damned Pet Shop Boys. Oh well, since I don't love Chester Bennington, society is full of a bunch of mother fuckers. The god damn bible that I am holding in my hand is a fairytale. Yup. Ladies and gentlemen, I would hate bending the truth but hey I'm being honest with you.
    Fuck mormons because they are the ones who screwed Hudgings to enforce the fucking law and call the state legislators because he had fucking protestors outside of his window. I feel sorry for that guy. For someone that dedicated, the god damn mormons should be under a fucking arrest. Bless his heart and the fairy tale ain't gonna do any body good. What the fuck I am talking about is the bible does not cure a god damn thing.
    Oh yes, mormons have banned the books and have enforced the damned laws for us. No, that isn't going to happen. HAHA Once I become a state trooper, I'd know better to throw them in the "state" penetentiary for protesting our government. You think I love Sergeant Hudgings, of course not. I won't fuck him to obey a commandment that is in a stupid book. What is the purpose? By what I am explaining, that means I need to fuck the interstate to get a fairytale ticket into hevean. Oh boy, where is my whistle, I'd rather blow that to traffic than worry about fucking 95 for what that god damn bible says.
    I hate god damn society. The people in it would change my life if there has been someone who has been taught somewhat good like:

    A relief...god forbid, it would be nice for once to meet more people who don't fuck interstates. It would be my birthday to meet someone who is like that. I know many but not good enough.

    Gollee day. Wouldn't it be nice to know someone who can move on with their lives instead of living by a book to have a life.

    You want to know the idea of niggers in a gang and destroying more of our universe other than Earth. The sex is probably in the universe already and maybe in Mars.

    Fuck what I just said above. Yea, that seems like where it is spreading and I do not approve of it one bit.

    I don't think a fourteen year old girl getting a period is a crime. If I had come across that being a state trooper, that would be worse than having to deal with a god damn maggot in which I don't give into it at school.

    Talking about a mean thirteen year old in America, I can surely be one if you push me. Want me to be a drill sergeant like others predict I am going to be? Eh, wanna be me? I live a sweet life but you don't want to go through something as dumb as me. Like Serge..Well DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY! Crawl through a tunnel of mud and break a damn nail for a trooper, I DON'T CARE! The bible does not mean a god damn thing. I AM THE DEVIL'S SISTER!