Advice for my best mate and sister dating.

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    • Advice for my best mate and sister dating.

      Hi, my best mate and my sister have been running rings around each other for the past seven years or so. Everyone knew there was something going on between them and it was only a matter of time until something did happen. Anyway on Friday night they finally went out. Both of them had a great time and when Bronte came back she literally glowing, she was that happy, and when I saw my mate on Sunday, he was the same. When my dad picked her up he said both of them were holding hands and grinning like little school girls.

      But now there’s a bit of a problem. You see Jake’s not the most proactive of blokes and when it comes to romance, he’s hopeless. Not to say he’s lazy when it comes to relationships, it’s just he doesn’t do much and he’s also a solitary kind of guy. Bronte’s last boyfriend, while being total dick head, he at least would do things. He would send her a text saying “Good morning sunshine” before she woke up and a text at night saying “Sweet dreams”, you know things like that. And as I said, Jakes not like that. I had to push him just to text her on Monday. But he is getting better; I’ve been giving him ideas on what to do. Hell just three minutes ago he sent her a text saying “I’ve been thinking of you heaps. He’s trying, real hard but it’s just not who he is. He absolutely has strong feelings for her but just doesn’t know how to show them but the thing is, Bronte’s have doubts.
      She’s not sure if she likes him as much as she thought she did. She’s thinking of telling him this and keeping it as friends. She says it’s not just because of how he’s acting but it’s some other things like there’s no spark.

      So she’s not sure but he is only Jake doesn’t know it. While this is going on he’s asking me for advice. Bronte wants to deal with this quickly before too many people find out about them otherwise she’ll feel a little pressured to be with him, that it will look bad if she broke up with him soon after going out, seeing that their close. Plus more than anything, she doesn’t want to hurt him. The advice I’ve given Jake is take it steady but be consistent. Before I found out all this, Bronte told me that she’s finding it a little awkward. I’ve told him this and how to work on it. I’ve told Bronte to just give him some time, because it’s only been five days since their first date but she’s really considering breaking up even though she’s not sure. I want to help them, my best mate more than my sister funny enough so any advice you could have would be great, thank you.
    • Re: Advice for my best mate and sister dating.

      do something big.... surprise her
      have him send her some red roses or something totally unexpected but sweet
      have him bring them to her in person maybe... unless you think that will end it (their relationship that is)
      on another note, i think you need to stay out of it, or at least be less involved... if its not meant to be then its not meant to be and you are only going to hurt your friend if it falls through in the end.
      that probably didnt help at all lol
    • Re: Advice for my best mate and sister dating.

      Making a big romantic gesture won't help/ If she feels pressurised already, making a big romantic gesture will only put more pressure on her and only increase her doubts!

      You need to let them talk it our between themselves.
      I know it's hard for you. When two of my closest friends started dating, I was practically managing the relationship. Practically identically, he didn't do much ygm and I had to give him a lot of help. But the girl was doubting it, unsure if she really liked him and decided to end it etc. As much as I tried to make it work, at the end of the day it wasn't my relatiomnship it was theirs. Although I think it would be better if you could get him to instigate a convo, talk to her, maybe he can still save it.