hard decision......help

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    • hard decision......help

      so this is just a random question i had
      so there are these two real cute girls, both of whom i am really good friends with at school
      one i have known since first grade and is probably one of my closest friends, she is quite a bit of a tomboy and doesn't seem to want to be anything but my friend though
      the other girl i haven't known as long and is probably the cuter of the two, she is pretty crazy and in many ways my poral opposite, but i really like her. she loves to mess with me and is sometimes mean to me just to joke around (nothing bad, just harmless stuff that she knows she can get away with)
      they are both really good friends and among the few girls i know at my school who aren't either in a relationship or total assholes, as well as being really great girls
      i need some advice on not so much who you'd pick (though feel free to express you're opinion) but how to choose and anything i should worry about
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    • Re: hard decision......help

      well i love them both as friends, especially the tomboy, for a long time we were practically brother and sister....well not so much anymore, but we still have a really close connection
      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Do you know that gods of death love apples?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: hard decision......help

      pyrosonicpony wrote:

      so this is just a random question i had
      so there are these two real cute girls, both of whom i am really good friends with at school
      one i have known since first grade and is probably one of my closest friends, she is quite a bit of a tomboy and doesn't seem to want to be anything but my friend though
      the other girl i haven't known as long and is probably the cuter of the two, she is pretty crazy and in many ways my poral opposite, but i really like her. she loves to mess with me and is sometimes mean to me just to joke around (nothing bad, just harmless stuff that she knows she can get away with)
      they are both really good friends and among the few girls i know at my school who aren't either in a relationship or total assholes, as well as being really great girls
      i need some advice on not so much who you'd pick (though feel free to express you're opinion) but how to choose and anything i should worry about

      id go with the girl who you communicate better with... whether its because same sense of humor, interests, etc. anything that drives good communication, understanding, trust and a feeling of closeness.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 19adonis ().

    • Re: hard decision......help

      the one girl who i've known for a really long time is fully aware that i like her, she even makes jokes about it sometimes, but often gives the impression that she's not interested
      however, she likes to mess with me and also tends to be a bit nervous about relationships because her parents divorced when she was pretty young and she hates her step mom
      as for the other girl, well she is just crazy, oh, and oddly enough, now that i think about it, her parents are divorced to....
      odd coincidence there
      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Do you know that gods of death love apples?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: hard decision......help

      try not to choose. keep both lines of communication open at all costs. like the others said, if you absolutely have to pick, go with the one you are the best friends with, and take it slow.
      "motivational and/or inspiring quote"
      -well known boss status historical figure
    • Re: hard decision......help

      intemission, first of all, i don't know, but it's not like we don't know eachother
      they both know me really well and are used to my many quirks and oddities
      and imagination, thank you, that's the best advice i've had yet
      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Do you know that gods of death love apples?[/SIZE][/COLOR]