Am I the bad friend or is she?

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    • Am I the bad friend or is she?

      My 'friend' called me selfish yesterday. Just because I said I didn't like her trousers! I wasn't even trying to be mean. Honest! She came into form, sat next to me and asked if I liked her new trousers. I said no. Well, I didn't like them! They were just the same jogging bottoms she always wears, but this time they were grey instead of black. Why would I like them exactly? Anyways, just because I said I didn't like them, she said, 'Of course you don't. You only like yourself and things to do with you. You're so selfish'. I'm selfish? I thought... Woah! I don't think so! She's the one that always talks about herself and her 'problems'.
      The reason I put problems in quotation marks is that, her 'prblems' usually consist of, how fat she is and she can't chage it (I'm sick of hearing this! It's not impossible to lose weight! If she wanted to bad enough she could do something about it!) and also how the teachers apparantly think she's stalking them (yeah, right! Though I wouldn't be that suprised if she were! She used to follow certain teachers around; waiting outside classrooms for them and everything. Even now they're her main topic of conversation!).
      Okay, so I see that that last paragraph has made me sound like the bad one, but really if you knew her and were 'friends' with her you would most likely be as annoyed and irritated with her as I am!
      I don't know what to do... I'm going to be stuck with her untill the end of 6th form in 2 years............... :(:confused::nono::o:mad:
    • Re: Am I the bad friend or is she?

      I think she is blowing things out of proportion. You were just being honest, after all. You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so perhaps you should try being a little nicer to her, and she may return the favor. I have a similar problem with one of my friends, but it seems to be getting better. Hopefully, your friend will realize she tends to overreact to things. Good luck!
      [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"]Life's a thousand yesterdays to learn from, a thousand tomorrows to plan for, and one today to be the best you can be.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Am I the bad friend or is she?

      You didnt do anything wrong at all, you were just honest. Everyone has their own opinion about things, I dont see why she needs to get mad about it.
      She probably doesnt like everything also but thats not a reason to get mad, everyone is different.

      Anyway it will pass again probably, thats really not a reason for her to be mad at you. If she stays mad then just explain to her that it is just your opinion and then just ask her what she doesnt like, that you cant be mad about that.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Am I the bad friend or is she?

      Of course that's not a reason to be mad at you. And after all friends should be honest with each other. If she was a good friend you shouldn't feel like you are "stuck" with her. If you want to continue being friends you should consider about having a talk with her about that and after that you decide what you want to do.
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][I][/I][/FONT]I'm a snake.My skin is cold.I have no heart.I slither around seeking prey with my tongue.And I swallow my favorites whole.That is what I am.I told you,didn't I?