i don't know what to do

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    • i don't know what to do

      i dont have much experience with relationships. A few weeks ago a started talking to a guy. 2 weeks later he told me he liked me, and i told him i liked him as well. My friends warned me he had a reputation as a player, and i decided to proceed with caution. He told me he wasn't ready for a real relationship at the moment, and i was relieved because i was't either. But he continued to talk to me on a daily basis. He complemented me and made me feel good about myslelf. 4 days ago a close friend of his that i don't talk to had a birthday party. He was invited, i wasn't. I was nervous because parties at my school have a reputation to ruin reputations, if you know what i mean. After the party i asked him how it went and he told me it was "awesome" and left it at that. Since that day he didn't text me for long, and not daily. Today a close friend informed me that he kissed/made out with another girl at that party. I was shocked and hurt and told him our "thing" was over. I still have feelings for him, and i don't want to stop talking to him because we became quite close, but i dont want to be hurt again. He wants to be friends. I don't know if i should or not. please help.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by blondeinthecrowd ().