I'm completely in love...with a married man.

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    • I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      I met this guy 3 years ago. He is a police officer, and he pulled me over. Somehow I ended up getting his phone number, and we met up later. We made out a lot, till I found out he was married. It kinda upset me to find out he was married but at the same time it didnt bother me, because he said he was unhappy. That one time we hung out...led to several times. I saw him so much, we always ended up making out. It was amazing. I saw him for like a year. Then one night I got pissed, and mad because I couldn't have all of him (which was expected) and I decided I didn't want it anymore. We argued a bit, and I didnt see him for another year. Well...I saw him recently. It has been 3 years since we've known each other.
      He met up with me one night during his shift, and we talked for the longest time.I sat with him in his patrol car. He seemed so very different. So happy to see me. He kissed me on the forehead before I had to leave. For 2 weeks...I just sat and thought about him kissing my forehead...wishing it was my lips instead. I fell for him all over again. The next time I saw him...was 2 weeks later. Same place...I remember being so excited to see his patrol car sitting there waiting on me. We sat and talked again...of course, I had to go...so he kissed me on my forehead again. I decided to take initiative and plant a kiss right on his lips. It was AMAZING...it was all I ever wanted. For MONTHS. All I thought about was him.
      Here lately I've been seeing him a lot....he kisses me every time...I dont even have to initiate a kiss. He just kisses me good bye...or just for the hell of it. I love it. Last night I was texting him, telling him I wanted him so bad...
      This was what he said..
      ""I really wanna know more about you, but at the same time im afraid of u getting hurt because i cant give u all of me at this point in my life...at the same time im afriaid of you getting mad and tired of hearing the same story and just give up. but i cant get mad at you for it, because its my situation thats causing this. i dont know if im better off staying with my wife or not. im obviously not completely happy, its so fucking hard sometimes. i get frustrated but i havent given up, i try to give it a chance..and then i have a beautiful blonde headed girl who i wanna figure out and i know shes in a crappy relationship too...it makes me excited.""

      He also says he loves me so much now...I'm just so confused. I know this is wrong what I'm doing...I realize it. But, he is unhappy...so am I. I'm far from the homewrecking type...but seriously...if he is unhappy, I wanna change it. I know I could. I need lots of kind help. Thank you.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      Question yourself.. Is he messing with you ? Playing with your feelings ? I know it may be difficult to accept but still consider those options. If he really was that unhappy, he would have divorced her. Does he have any children?
      And think about it. If he does these things behind his wife's back, then what would he do when he's finally with you? :[
      Sometimes its better to follow your brain than your heart, but for this case, listen to both and figure out a solution. I wish you the best. ^^
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      You're in a tough situation. Do you know where he lives? I think you should investigate for yourself a bit and find out more.
      I really wish you the best from the bottom of my heart and I hope you do not waste your life chasing after him. Life is too short for that. Keep that in mind. ^^
      Hope for the best.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      I think it's a good thing you haven't done anything more up to this point, because it would just be more difficult to leave this relationship that you've built up. This is not okay for him to be doing! And it is not okay for you willingly string along, you're worth more than that. If he respected you, and truly wanted to be with you, he would wait until he was single and divorces his wife first. No matter what million and one excuses he has about this, please remember he had made a life commitment to be with this woman! If he can break a life commitment so easily, do you really want to be with someone like that? Who can't respect you enough to give himself completely to you, which means no strings attached from his wife.

      Please value yourself more than this. If you really want to be with him, wait until he's completely divorced, because it's not fair at all to you, and it's certainly not okay for him to be acting like this.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      Yes, I am fully aware that its completely wrong. I won't have sex with him at all. Believe me, I've wanted to so bad, its so very tempting. He is a cop, that is the biggest fantasy. But I cannot do it to his wife. It sucks so bad that I fell for him so hard. I feel like he likes me too. He always wants to see me. He is so tender with me. He is 30, and I'm 21-about to be 22 in a week. He is so loving, and is caring about my feelings. I love his kisses. The only thing I'll do is kiss him, and hug him. I cannot bring myself to go further. I also agree that he shouldnt leave her for me, because he has no idea what it would be like with me. He doesnt know if that would be a good choice or not.
      Also...I've never even seen his wife, but I've always had that curiosity. So I finally asked him to show me a picture...he didnt. So I was like "well describe her" He described her as: brown hair, brown eyes. Heavy Set. HEAVY SET. The fact that he said heavy set blew my mind!! He is wwwway too gorgeous to be with a heavy set girl...let alone be married anyway. That has been stuck in my head for a week now. lol Heavy Set. Theres no way...Ugh! All I can think about, is how i want him to be with me.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      I'm glad you know that you shouldn't go any further with him, or let him go any further with you. That's a really good thing. :)

      But hey, I don't think it's okay for you to be judging what his wife looks like, especially based off just a description. You haven't been in her life to know what made her be the weight she is, not to mention that she is the woman, appearance, weight and all, that he chose to marry! No one forced him, he has made that choice and has to live with it, no matter what weight his wife is.

      The longer you hang around him the more clouded your view is going to become, and you're going to fall even harder for him, you must know that. :( Where do you expect to go from here, how can you have a future with him when it's difficult to even keep a present one?
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      I'm sorry I pointed out her weight...you just have to see this man, hes beyond gorgeous. Its like he doesn't even belong with her. He has told me several times he wishes he wasn't married. I remember at one point he took off his ring, i dont know if it was for me...or if there was real trouble at home. Should I talk to him about all this? And tell him how I feel? He knows I want him. I just dont wanna freak him out.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      :( I can understand that.. And it must be difficult for you, since you have feelings for him but he's not in the right place for you to be with at the moment.

      But please don't miss the point I'm trying to make, it's probably very easy to get wrapped up in all the wonderful things he says and the way he makes you feel. When you're directly interacting with him, it's incredibly difficult not to believe the things he says and does, right? He must be genuine with all the things he's doing with you, because he wouldn't try to deceive you, trick you or manipulate you, right?

      Well, this is an unbiased 3rd party telling you that he is! You honestly seem like a really nice girl and a smart one at that, which is why I think you deserve SO much more than what you are getting from this relationship right now. There's only so much I can say over a screen to try to convince you, but I'm trying to help you understand! If he truly wished he wasn't married, HE WOULDN'T BE. No matter what he says is holding him back from leaving his wife, he's just making up excuses so that he can play two women at once. :(

      I don't think you should talk to him about it, unless it is to break things off with him. Because the more you talk to him, the deeper you're going to be wrapped up in a relationship that doesn't have much of an outlook in the future.

      Btw, he almost definitely knows how you feel. Otherwise he wouldn't bother trying to contact you and interact with you if he knew you were completely uninterested and wouldn't give him the time of day.
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      They always say they are unhappy
      And you believe him he's unhappy for 3 years and didn't do anything?

      If he would want you more then he wants her he would divorce and be with you

      I advice you to move on, you are young, this is lasting for 3 years, you are ruining your youth, waisting your beast years on waiting for him
      Move on, he wont be with you, he doesn't have any intention to leave his wife
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      I understand how complicated and difficult your situation is, but the longer it goes on for tends to effect your emotional state also.

      If you so desperately want things to change, and he is raising your hopes that they will - the downfall if it doesn't happen is going to hurt.

      Now, I'm not saying that is is or is not going to change for you, but just think of both possibilities. Over the period of time that it carries on, his situation will just infuriate and upset you more and more each time. I know it's hard to think of the negative outcome in your perspective, without a doubt you trust him a lot, but it is possible that he could just be stringing you along.

      Try and think of what's best for you - don't stop exploring other guys that may be for you because he may or may not leave his wife for you. It may feel to you that you are being unfaithful, but you are not tied to this man - he is certainly showing that it's not an exclusive relationship by what he is doing. Who knows, maybe you'll find your dream man out there sometime while he is still trying to lie his way out of his situation. :hugs:

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      For some reason, it isnt difficult for me. Sometimes I get sad, but not often. He constantly tells me, "I want you" but I also can understand why he wont leave his wife..he made a commitment. I think its a better idea to stay with her. If he just leaves her for me, he has no idea how our relationship would be like. She isnt outgoing, or does anything he wants to do...him and I have the same likes and dislikes....his wife doesn't. She wont even go out to eat dinner with him. He texts/calls me everyday. He even comes to my job, and brings me coffee every time I work. He is so tender with me, and caring. I guess I get caught up in how he treats me...:rolleyes:
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      If he cheats, why the fuck is he a police offer? :omg:

      ---------- Post added at 05:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 AM ----------

      oops wrong animation.

      ---------- Post added at 05:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 AM ----------

      oops wrong animation.
      "As in heaven as on Earth, we've been dead since our birth" -Hollywood Undead
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      Sockiie wrote:

      if he was 40-50 years old...yes. my age? No. Well, he isn't exactly my age, he is 30.

      don't do it. if you meet a cheating man. there is a chance where you will get cheated on. And you don't want to be in the drama, when his wife comes to the phone. he fake loves you. i dated a cheating man. i met two girls that where dating him. At different days though. Don't let this happen to you.

      ---------- Post added at 06:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ----------

      i found out he was cheating.

      ---------- Post added at 06:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 AM ----------

      i found out he was cheating. it's not fun. so again. Stop falling for him!
      "As in heaven as on Earth, we've been dead since our birth" -Hollywood Undead
    • Re: I'm completely in love...with a married man.

      The bombest wrote:

      Police Offers are suppose to do good things.


      ---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

      The bombest wrote:

      don't do it. if you meet a cheating man. there is a chance where you will get cheated on.

      Cheating man can stop cheating in next relationship
      And not cheating man can start cheating too
      So it doesn't really mean anything - but in general I agree with you, OP should stop this affair

      ---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------

      Sockiie wrote:

      I also can understand why he wont leave his wife..he made a commitment.

      He made a commitment ... but he doesn't respect it fully. So no point in that.