How move past this hatred I have for my ex-girlfriends ex before me?

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    • How move past this hatred I have for my ex-girlfriends ex before me?

      I hate him, I absolutely hate him. You see despite our break up being on par with a fiasco, my ex and I are still very close. We still hang out, hug and go to each other whenever we have problems. A couple of weeks ago she called me and she was just sobbing, just a heart wrenching sob. She could couldn’t speak, just sob. She has been battling depression for the past year so I immediately caught the earliest train up to her place. She was a mess when I got there and it took some time before she could talk. What had happened was her ex sent her pictures of him and his new girlfriend having sex and this tipped her over the edge. She started to off load on things that had happened in their relationship. IT turned out that he came very close to raping her, I won’t go into details but he came very close. Aside from coming very close to abusing her sexually, he also abused her emotionally, mentally and physically (sometimes during sex, he was rough with her and she didn’t say a thing because she was scared of losing him. And I hate him; I hate him for hurting her, for hurting her. When she told me this I wanted to tear his bloody head, I just want to hurt him for what he’s done to her. Every time I see him, I always want to hurt him. A couple of days ago I saw him drinking out of a glass bottle and I just wanted to smash it over his head over and over and over. I never will, his a big guy and I’m not. As much as I hate him I’m not stupid. The worse thing is despite all that he’s done to her, she still has some feelings for him. Every day I wake up hating him and I want to move one. I don’t want to forgive him, I won’t, I can’t forgive him but I do want to wake up not have him first thing on my mind.