What's wrong with me?..

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    • What's wrong with me?..

      Okay, i usually don't do this kind of thing because whenever i talk about my problems i feel like their my burden to bare not anyone else's but right now I'm really struggling to keep it all to myself, here's the situation basically for the past year I've been depressed and lately it's just become even worse possibly due to the fact that the one person in my life who I talk to is away for Christmas, she's the only one i can talk to about my problems and she's the only one that helps so i need to find alternatives, I've searched through countless website looking for help but most the time i get abuse causing me more pain and wondering whether i should just keep it to myself and be quiet, my main problem is my mind i have no control of it what so ever and it's constantly thinking about things that depress me i won't go into detail because like i said i don't want to burden anyone with my problems in depth, i have nobody in my life i can talk to and i think i just need someone to talk to, to ease my pain and suffering, i'm a very sensitive person and even something silly as a comment like "get a life" would cause me pain, i'm not hoping for a miracle or someone to cure me with one comment because i know i'll never be rid of it, i just need honest answers and not hate, like i said this is my first time using this site so i hope this isn't too much for anyone, thanks for reading.
    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      It's not healthy to have just ONE person that you can go to, because - as you've found out - things turn to crap when they go on holidays or die or something. People really need a whole NETWORK of support. Having more than one person to unload on also means you're less of a "burden" on them.

      But in THIS sort of situation, where people CHOOSE to go into your thread and read it, you can't possibly be a burden on anyone.

      Anyway, you haven't really said anything that's wrong. Just "I feel crap". So there's not really any advice we can give, other than generic stuff like "Go do something fun to make you feel better". Here's what I can offer, from my place on the other side of the world: youtube.com/watch?v=V44Kj9FfBM…YqKngKVWj&feature=mh_lolz

      The post was edited 3 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      Basically the problem is i'm constantly hurting and have always been hurt by people nobody has ever helped me in my life, and i'm suprised i wasn't depressed when i was around 13 but it's literally hit me a year ago, i feel worthless, waste of life and that i'm gnna be alone forever like i have been for the past 20 years
    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      Okay well if you feel lonely, you should go hang out with some people. Even being around people you don't particularly like, know, or feel like being around can be better than being alone; sometimes.

      Nobody helped you with what? With feeling crap? If you only talk to this one person about things, maybe no-one else would even know that you feel crap.

      As we get accustomed to things, we humans tend to stop noticing them or thinking of them as anything special. If you stay in a room with a smell for a while, you stop smelling it. Every time I learn to play a song, I come to think of it as "too easy". I'm certain you have some worthwhile things about you. You just probably need to learn to re-see them. Sometimes meeting new people is good for that, because new people will tend to point out the things about you that are unique.
    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      i'm not what you would call a popular person or very confident i have self esteem issues and believe that everyone hates me and doesn't want to be around me which is why i confide myself to my room, and the only reason i talk to this one person is because she is the only one who has ever in my life commented on how im doing or if im ok if i need help everyone else feels to have just deserted me, and i believe your right in the last part i do need to meet new people but my only worry is ive never met anyone who has ever pointed out things about me that unique in a good way usually ends up hurting me more.
    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      Example? Maybe they were just teasing you and you took it too seriously, because of your belief that everyone hates you (meaning you constantly have these background processes running in your mind *looking* for things that you can interpret as people hating you).

      Also, some people are dicks. You should learn to brush dickishness off. If someone's a dick, you shouldn't care what they think. You should pick and choose whose opinions are important to you: people you trust and respect.

      As for the process of meeting new people, just try to have fun with it. Don't think so much about whether or not they like you. You're getting to know someone, learning stuff; it should be interesting.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: What's wrong with me?..

      Message me whenever you feel like crap and just want to talk. You can talk to me about anything and I definitely reply. Heck, I can ramble on about apples for 2 hours if that's what got stuff off your mind.

      There, as simple as that, you now have two people you can talk to :)