Am I Being Crazy Or...

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    • Am I Being Crazy Or...

      Hello! This is my first post, pleased to meet you all. Here's the low down, I am a gay teen attending high school :gay: and ever since tenth grade there's been a guy I've been crushing on. At first I wasn't sure if he was gay and then I once I knew for a fact he was I was estatic....

      Unfortunately due to my horrific shyness I never made a move until recently when, after prodding from my friends I decided to say "what the hey?" and ask. Then, imagine my luck when he said yes. I was wary because I had the horrifying thought that "what if he just said yes because he didn't want to hurt my feelings?" so I kept talking to him trying to make sure this was what he wanted and he assured me yes.

      That night I texted him about making plans. I went by the mindset that if he really wanted to cancel he could've told me right then and there or not even reply to the text but he went on to make plans. Sounds good right?

      Then the very next day in school we were talking and he pulled me aside and said "I don't think it's a good idea". Normally I wouldn't mind this at all but I started getting a few red flags when he started talking to his friends. I had asked him like twenty times if he was ok and he kept telling me "yeah" but he talked with his friends for about an hour (all of them are friends with me as well) and two seconds later he changes his mind???

      Maybe I'm just overthinking this and maybe I'm just rambling but, I don't know. All the signs are telling me that his friends convinced him to say no but I'm afraid I'm just acting like a clingy weirdo, any advice?
    • Re: Am I Being Crazy Or...

      You're acting like a clingy weirdo, and he probably had second thoughts about the fifth time you asked him. Asking him the same question a bunch of times like that shows him that you don't trust him: you keep expecting him to change his answer as though he were lying to you.

      You blew it with your crush, but maybe he'll still let you be his friend. If you're his friend for a few years and build up some trust with each other, maybe you can hook up then.

      Also, welcome to the site!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by dire ().

    • Re: Am I Being Crazy Or...

      Dating someone is something you can hardly ever be absolutely sure about, but you can always try it and decide you don't like the person. Asking him if he's absolutely sure he wants to date you makes it sound like you're asking him to marry you.

      It's OK for you to be nervous about it, but understand that he'd be nervous too, and pushing at it like that is only making things worse.