"How to Disable a Woman" Discussed

    • "How to Disable a Woman" Discussed

      I want to make it first clear that this is NOT my advice, so refrain from attacking me personally. I am simply open-minded to his theories. I am repeating what he has said, not taking on his theories.

      This is only up for 24 hours so I would recommend watching this to the very end - I'll admit the last half is him telling you about the price etc.


      This man, post an Ice-Queen-relationship, spent 6 depressed months reading hundreds of books and watching hundreds of videos and he thinks he knows what women really want and how men can get it.

      He claims these three steps work:

      1. Look at her mouth.
      It has been scientifically tested that looking at her mouth makes her sub-consciously feel the need to sleep with you, and actually imagines it as she is mid-conversation with you. It gets passed her conscious barriers so that she has no idea she is doing it, neither can she control whether it happens or not.

      2. Do not face them too early - women are sub-consciously repelled by men who face them immediately when they start talking.
      Extremely debatable. He recommends that you cross your arms or you have your side to her front in the inital minutes of conversation, maybe even for the first couple of meanings. Then, after she's evidentally interested in you and before turning to face her directly, you should say something along the lines of " I get a sense that you're open to trying new things and that makes me feel comfortable around you." This has brilliant reviews, admittedly.

      3. It's called pre-selection.

      Pre-selection is where women have a filter mechanism, an instinct that makes her filter out the weak and undesirable men. Like oil and water. He compares us to fish because of this. Why? Because we use exactly the same method as fish - apparently as animals we are all using the same method for survival and reproduction. Here's how it works.

      When a female fish wants to mate, they look for the brightest fish they can find. BUT, when there are two equally bright fish, they automatically mate with the fish that has the HIGHEST NUMBER OF FEMALE MATES. Essentially, whichever fish is the most active is the fish that keeps on gaining (welcome to how "players" get all their chicks).

      This is communal with humans apparently. He suggests that on a sub-conscious level, women are automatically attracted to the male who gets the MOST females.

      Unbelievably so, he is suggesting all you have to do is follow the first 2 steps correctly and then give her the idea you are desired.Not on a sleazy level, but on a level that makes you seem dominant, independent, and a challenge.

      Within this "pre-selection" theory, he briefly describes some systems that make up a fraction of his books, such as:

      The self-fulfilling prophecy qualifier
      - how women want to become yours

      The make-out technique
      - how to get HER to lean in for the kiss within minutes of conversation

      Instant dominance
      - how to turn on a woman in seconds with visible effect

      The high-value hello
      - how to arouse a woman even before you've finished greeting her

      Eye Movements
      - how to reveal her secret desires and thoughts from her eyes

      I want to know if people think it could work?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Mrs. Frazer ().