The End of a Relationship

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    • The End of a Relationship

      I recently ended a relationship of two years... again.

      We began dating during my freshman year, and it is now my junior year.

      He used to be so sweet and kind and he would drop everything to be with me if I relapsed into a panic attack. But he started smoking pot with his friends when I left the country for two weeks, and he hasn't been the same since.

      We broke up for four months over the summer, got back together in December, and split up on New Year's day. He never once took me out on a date, and he would more or less ignore me if I was having an attack.

      What should I do? All he does is smoke now, and he won't listen to anything I say if I tell him it hurts me. He's completely changed. He feels he "owes it" to himself to have fun his senior year.

      Should I just drop everything and pretend we never happened during those two years? How do you deal with such a drastic change in personality? Should I even try to salvage the relationship?

      I don't think I could continue being "just friends" after all we've been through together.

      EDIT: I suppose I should have put this in the Relationship Advice Forum. Oops.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by spacefunk ().