The Dumpee

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    • Do you think that "the dumpee" in a relationship (the one who broke it off) can feel sad or regret?

      At the end of a two year relationship, he simply wasn't trying anymore. We never went on dates, and he was always sneaking off and lying about smoking.

      I ended the relationship, but he simply said "okay" and that he had been thinking about it for awhile and that we "don't want the same things", though I have no idea what that means because I was giving 250% in the relationship

      Have you ever felt remorse or regret for leaving someone? Do you think its possible? I just want to know what might possibly be going through his head.
    • Re: The Dumpee

      Hi spacefunk. To your question, yes I have, and it is unquestionably possible. Sometimes you see how heartbroken your ex is and you wished you were never the one to end it, or even, you hope that the relationship had never started in the first place. But sometimes you have to do it. Or else you'll be wasting your own time as well as your partner's.

      But for your ex-boyfriend, well, I don't know how he would feel, but I doubt there is much remorse. You both had reached a consensus on the breakup. And he didn't put in effort to salvage the relationship as well, so..
      "You use your heart as a weapon, and it hurts like Heaven."
    • Re: The Dumpee

      ztmj96 wrote:

      But for your ex-boyfriend, well, I don't know how he would feel, but I doubt there is much remorse. You both had reached a consensus on the breakup. And he didn't put in effort to salvage the relationship as well, so..

      The reason I can't seem to get over this relationship is because I hold the image of the 15 year old boy I fell in love with in the first place in my mind. At 17, he is so much more immature than he was two years ago. I guess I'm just trying to find some clue that that boy is still in there, still trying, and still mine. Its strange to see someone you thought you knew so well turn their back on you.