Is it possible to avoid people at school?

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    • Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      The reason I'm making this thread is because I saw the bombest's thread about high school, and I was going to reply with this, but I thought it should be a new thread because it's about something different.

      Anyway, I'm focused on doing school more than making friends. I've been homeschooled for 2 years, but I'm going to public high school later this year. I'm sort of antisocial, so I rather get done with school and move on, and If I want to talk to friends, I'll just go online. Is it possible to avoid talking to people unless absolutely necessary?
    • Re: Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      Try and find a quiet study area where you can be alone during recess and lunch, or at least where other people are working too so they won't disturb you. There's bound to be somewhere in your school, whether it's the library, a free classroom or even just a free music practice room (that's where I go if I really need some alone time).

      If anyone asks you about it just say that you're used to working alone and at your own pace (which is probably true considering you're home-schooled) and you want to focus.
    • Re: Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      I agree with what Eminemaniac said, but I would still recommend finding a few friends as well. It definitely doesn't have to be a big crowd by any means, but even a few people like you (that are quiet and focus on school). This is because I can almost guarantee you will have to do a few big group projects over the next few years, so you may as well know a few people just for that. Also if you miss school for whatever reason they'll be able to help catch you up on what you missed.

      As long as you can find even one or two good friends that you can work with when needed, you can get through high school just fine.
    • Re: Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      Best Friend wrote:

      I agree with what Eminemaniac said, but I would still recommend finding a few friends as well. It definitely doesn't have to be a big crowd by any means, but even a few people like you (that are quiet and focus on school). This is because I can almost guarantee you will have to do a few big group projects over the next few years, so you may as well know a few people just for that. Also if you miss school for whatever reason they'll be able to help catch you up on what you missed.

      As long as you can find even one or two good friends that you can work with when needed, you can get through high school just fine.

      Best Friend is absolutely right.

      And there are bound to be people in classes who will pick on you and it sucks to be alone in that situation. You need friends who are able to assist you in real life.
      "You use your heart as a weapon, and it hurts like Heaven."
    • Re: Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      not really. i always did wat Eminemaniac said , that was when i moved to a new school when i was in hs, i ignored almost everyone. at that time i wasnt the kind of person who is friendly and i didnt like the people there... but as time passes it gets lonely and you'll be forced to have frineds. but really, dont be shy and make friends. it's nice.
    • Re: Is it possible to avoid people at school?

      I think you'll end up changing your mind about not wanting any friends... It's pretty inevitable, considering you will be surrounded by peers for 7-8 hours a day. My advice would be enter into it with an open mind about things... You never know!

      You can most definitely have friends and be focused on school all at the same time. You just need to prioritize and find a balance.