New Friend...?

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    • New Friend...?

      Lately, school has become something I dread. I used to be happy going back to school after a long holiday. But now, I literally cry myself to sleep the day before. I don't know how I let things get so bad, but I really really REALLY hate my school.
      They're all snobby and act all higher-than-thou when the truth is, the entire town hates us and thinks we're spoilt brats. Everyone in that school is so nasty and mean.
      And I feel like all that negativity is starting to affect me.
      Because, I'm not like them, I'm invisible and no one notices me. I badly want to transfer but my parents won't let me, they say its the best. But I know it's because they can't afford to transfer me. The dumb part is, my current school is crazy expensive.
      But I can't relate to anyone there, and I really just need someone who isn't all about material things. Someone who's real and not cruel. I'm tired of hearing a so-called friend call someone else ugly because she actually looks good.
      I'm a loner, and I don't know how long I can go on for because that's not really who I am. I'm only quiet because I'm afraid these people will judge me . So anyone want to be messaging buddies or something? Anything really. I need someone new and uncorrupted by stupid things that don't matter in life.
      I'm extremely friendly :)
      I love music, art and writing. And a crazy obsession for stars and fantasy

      *also,I realised I don't have any friends. My best friend moved back to England last year, and it's been downhill from there. When she first came to the school, I admit, I turned my back on some of ky other friends because it was refreshing to have someome new. But in jist a year, sooo much has happened and they've all become robots of the school. It's always gossip parties drugs and who's doing who. I'm not into those stuff, it's incredibly boring.
      And I can't stand tagging along with people I know don't really want me. Basically, my life is really depressing and I need some advice.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Faded000 ().

    • Re: New Friend...?

      Hi. I don't use messenger, but feel free to email or pm.

      I have no money to speak of, so it's actually impossible for me to be about material things! ... except for guitars. They're the exception.

      I like music, the unix "ar" command (I assume that's what you meant), and writing, too! I'm in about 4 or 5 bands now and have some stuff I've written over here.