I need some advice.

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    • I need some advice.

      I am not openly bisexual. No one, not even my closest friends, know. I’ve been hiding it for a long time, because I go to a high school where coming out would be devastating. I mean, it would be so bad that I would have to move. I am okay with not being open, because I didn’t think I would ever encounter a guy that I would want to actually do anything with.
      However, there’s this guy. I’ve known him for a long time, but I have just recently (Past year) gotten to know he and become good friends. He is perfect. Everything I look for in a guy. Of course, though, I didn’t think he was into guys. Then, I started noticing things, and I started to think he is into guys. Me and my low self esteem didn’t act on it, because I just knew that he wasn’t into me.
      Now, I really cannot fight it anymore. I want to start off slow, and begin talking to him more. Maybe throw in some hints that I am into him. I just don’t know how to do it. And to top it all off, I found out today that he is talking to another guy that goes to our school… I know it’s my own fault for not coming out sooner, but now I’m completely destroyed. I still want to try flirting, and see how that goes, but I just do not know how to go about it.
      Moral of the story: I need advice. I want to know how to start off slow with giving little hints and flirts. Keep in mind that this is the first time I have ever done this, with a guy, and that I am not okay with coming out to anyone. I might be okay with coming out to him, so it has to be hints and flirts that I can retract if need be. I know this all sounds weird, but I am really hoping you all will understand. So, can a fellow guy get some advice? Anything is appreciated.
    • Re: I need some advice.

      Alright so first get his view on lgbt people in general. An easy way to do this is to this is to talk about the supreme courts decision to let same sex marriages get benefits. Say that you thought that was the right thing to do and wait for his reaction. other things you could do would be to complement him or talk about another guys looks e.g "that guy look so good, wish I was him so I could get all the girls". I'm in the same boat yo though so msg me.