Eve Online: Come play this game with us!

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    • Eve Online: Come play this game with us!

      What is EVE ONLINE

      "EVE is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMORPG) that takes place approximately 20.000 years after our times in a galaxy on the far end of the universe. When you join EVE you assume the role of a freshly graduated "capsuleer“, a relatively small group of elite spaceship pilots capable of controlling powerful spaceships on their own from within their capsules. Capsuleers are often referred to as "immortals" due to the fact that the highly advanced capsules, which connect them to their ships, are capable of instantly downloading their consciousness to a clone of themselves in the case of physical destruction.
      A few things make EVE special amongst other MMORPGs

      EVE is a single "shard" virtual world. What that means is that everyone who joins EVE becomes a part of the same world and the same community. The industry standard for MMORPGs is to run the game on multiple smaller servers – so-called shards – so that each player only has the opportunity of interaction with a few thousand other players even if the number of subscribers can be in the millions. In EVE you have the opportunity to affect more than 300,000 other players in one way or another as all our players are a part of the same persistent universe, hosted on the world‘s most powerful gaming server.

      In EVE you are free to choose your own destiny. You start out as a character from one of four races that inhabit the EVE universe but apart from slightly different starting skills you are free to take your character in any direction you want. You are not restricted by predefined character classes or professions. You can trade to make a living, conduct mining operations, market your fighting skills as a mercenary, camp the spacelanes for profit as a pirate, conduct espionage and infiltration, focus on research and manufacturing, or perform increasingly profitable missions for NPC (non-player character) agents. What you choose to do day-by-day is up to you. You can play alone, form a corporation (the equivalent of a clan or guild) with a close group of friends, or join any of the many player-run corporations and alliances that are already established. The EVE Universe and its 5,000 unique solar systems are yours to explore and conquer.

      In EVE you don‘t level up using the typical experience point model seen in most MMOs. Rather, you purchase skills with in game money which then train in real time until finished. The skills will even train while you are offline. Skills give you a myriad of different abilities. Some allow you to fly specific types of ships or use a particular weapon while others focus more on general things. Each skill has five levels, increasing the bonus to whatever field of your gameplay they affect at each level. Each level however takes increasingly longer to train so that players are always faced with the choice of specializing in one field, or spending the skill-training time equally on many different fields."

      "How do I make money in EVE?

      There is an infinite number of ways to ways to make ISK (Interstellar Kredits, the in-game currency) in EVE. Some of them evolve around performing various tasks arising from the game environment. For example, you can always make money by mining asteroids for materials to use or just sell on the open market. You can also run all kinds of missions for NPC agents. You can hunt NPC pirates in some parts of space or you can explore unknown parts of space for hidden artefacts and resources.

      Most importantly, you have the option of using your own creativity, your social skills and your business skills to make money from your interactions with all the other people playing EVE. Around 95% of every item or ship in EVE is made by the players from scratch and sold through EVE‘s central market system. You can start your own corporation to build items that are in demand and sell them to other people. You can also buy things when the price is low and sell them when the price is high or exploit other people‘s lack of time or patience by moving things around for them. In essence, you are free to invent any service valuable to other players and market it for your own profit. Wherever you see an opportunity there is probably ISK to be made.

      EVE sounds complex – how will I learn all I need to know?

      Most importantly you should keep in mind that you don‘t have to learn everything at once and that, depending on how you want to play the game, there will be some things you won‘t need to learn. EVE is a very intricate, deep world with a lot of content and most only experience part of what‘s out there.

      For the essentials of what you need to know we offer in-game tutorials, an online Wiki and bustling forums where players can discuss all things EVE related or get answers to questions. We also run an in-game help channel and a special "rookie help channel" for our new players. The Rookie help channel is manned at all times by volunteers who are there to answer any question you might have.

      Despite all our efforts to help players learn, most still gain the majority of their knowledge from other players which is the natural way of things in an MMORPG. To learn from others, a good idea would be to join a player run corporation relatively soon after you start to play. Player-run corporations are usually welcoming towards new players, and the number of corporations actively seeking new recruits usually outnumbers the number of players looking for a place in a corporation. Once you are in a corporation the more experienced players will typically help you get started. Note however that this is general advice and that we cannot guarantee any standard of behaviour towards you"

      Now that you know a bit about what eve online is, let me tell you a bit about what we do here in eve online.

      OUTLAW INC a proud member of legem terra.

      We usually fly around killing other players making pvp pilots miserable to be alive. We are highly active and usually have a few hundred friends online who are willing to help you with anything you need! We offer a free ship replacement program to all our new members so if you die tragically in a huge interstellar fleet fight you get your ship and weapons back! We also offer a free skill book and training plan for our members this way you know what to train to become a complete pvp badass! While your training these skills you could be flying around in a rifter (frigate class ship) killing stuff worth 100x what your ship is worth!

      Lets say pvp isn't my thing. Is there something in that black bag for me?

      Well while we do a lot of pvp we also offer our players the ability to mine and kill NPC pirates as a way to earn isk (inter stellar kredit). As a miner you will gather precious ore's that we desperately need to produce ships and weapons for our pvper's. If you would prefer to Rat (killing npc pirates) you will be providing us with isk for every rat you kill (both the corp and you get paid for each rat (npc) you kill!)

      What about the people? Are they friendly?

      Of course we are friendly! A lot of us enjoy helping new players process and become familiar with the game! And there are tons of people who are not in our corp or alliance who are still willing to help you!

      What does it cost

      The game costs about $15 a month (€ 14.95/ £ 9.99) however you can pay for the game with in game isk that you earn buy obtaining a plex! A plex is a pilot license extension card and adds 30 days of game time to your account. PLEX is purchased for real cash by on player and then sold on the market and purchased by another player. The seller gets the isk and the buyer gets another month of play time. You can earn enough money for a plex in about a month or so of playing.

      Ok im interested where do i sign up?

      You can create a 21 day free trail at this link below and then sub up later if you like the game with the same character.


      And after signing up there please respond to this forum with your character name and one of our recruiters will get you into our corporation so you can play with your new friends!

      If for some reason you don't want to use the buddy trial link and only want to play for 14 days (whats wrong with you!?!?!?) you can use this link


      I just signed up what now?

      Please play the tutorial! It will help you learn a ton of what you need to know about eve online you will also earn some isk and get a handful of ships once you complete it!


      We hope to see you soon! If you have any questions also feel free to post them here!

      ---------- Post added at 09:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

      If your interested in playing with us respond to this thread and i'll send you a link to sign up for the game!

      This is our first newbie drive and we want you!(to come ruin someones day)

      The post was edited 6 times, last by riso2011 ().

    • Re: Eve Online: Come play this game with us!

      We are also taking in old players of the game and DUST players into the corporation as well. Once in game contact Eric Riso, William Pligram or brendan23 to put in an app.

      New players who sign up with that link above get 150mil isk from our corp upon subbing
      Why aren't you playing eve online? What could you possibly be doing that is more important than a video game?

      The post was edited 5 times, last by riso2011 ().

    • Re: Eve Online: Come play this game with us!

      ztmj96 wrote:

      I HEARD OF THIS (I think)! But isn't it only on the PS3 platform?

      Nope DUST is the game on the ps3 platform however it is 100% interactive with eve online.

      So much in fact that eve online players can assist player in dust with orbital strikes (much like bombing runs in call of duty) from space.

      DUST is a First Person Shooter in which the goal is to kill all of the enemy so you can take control of Faction war outposts and such in the eve online universe.

      Thats right what you do on the ps3 with your ps3 character effects players on a completely different system in a dramatic way and vice versa.

      Oh did i mention that DUST is 100% free and will remain 100% free?

      If thats not reason enough to try it out i don't know what is.

      But i hope to see you in corp one day buddy!
      Why aren't you playing eve online? What could you possibly be doing that is more important than a video game?
    • Re: Eve Online: Come play this game with us!

      UPDATE: We are now offering free lulz and bat shittery. Are you a troll at heart? Is there something about you that just makes you want to hurt someones feelings? How about just piss someone off to no end? Well we can offer you the ability to do that PLUS kill them in a spaceship and then desecrate there corpse in space.


      Why aren't you playing eve online? What could you possibly be doing that is more important than a video game?