Please Help, I Don't Know What To Do About My Boyfriend.

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    • Please Help, I Don't Know What To Do About My Boyfriend.

      So I'm in a pretty serious relationship and we never really fight about big things or fight a lot. But this weekend we got into a big fight and now things are kinda weird for me. So I went over to his house early Saturday because I tag along and go watch his football games in the afternoon but when that time came around we had a fight but it ended up with him mad at me and myself balling outside his house. We made up before it was time to leave but I looked like a mess, and his friend who I normally watch the games with couldn't go(not enough space in the car). We're usually only at his games for less than two hours so I decided to just chill at his house with his younger brother and the friend. Three hours later he wasn't home and I got a little upset, we couldn't get a hold of the mom that was there with them and I got anxious and restless and would check the door every time I heard a car door close and I would wait outside a lot. Two more hours later he still wasn't home and I was worried they might have got in an accident. We found out he had been at his teammate's house since they got back. A teammate's house that we would walk to all the time. I ran to the bathroom crying again. His mom was pissed and went to get him. Abbreviated- his sister's friend tried to get me to break up with him, we finally talked, he was emotionless, he basically just says things I put in his mouth for him. I don't know what it is but he always makes me just melt when we fight and I end up smiling and we cuddle and every things better. But what's really bugging me is that it doesn't seem like he cares whenever we're talking things out, he doesn't tell me how HE really feels about thing. I'm completely in love with him though and he tells me he loves me, and his best friends say he's crazy about me. So I know he loves me but I need him to express what he really feels and that he does care. I just really don't know what to do right now. Please help.
    • Re: Please Help, I Don't Know What To Do About My Boyfriend.

      First off that is straight up disrespectful, He should have came back to his house after the game considering that you were there waiting for him... He was gone for 4 hours doing who knows what he might love you but the fact is thats not how a guy treats his girlfriend. What I would do is tell him you two need a break till he either figures out what he wants and how he feels about you. Or you decide that his shit isn't worth putting up with. I can understand maybe being an hour late but 3 hours something sketchy as hell is going on.
    • Re: Please Help, I Don't Know What To Do About My Boyfriend.

      Considering he knew you were waiting for him all bets are off, he made his choice and instead of hanging around with his girlfriend he decided to join the sausage fest at his teammates house... makes you think, doesn't it?
      But anyways he made a commitment to you and no matter what came up he should have kept that commitment, but its up to you whether or not you want to date him, he doesn't really seem sorry for you so good chance is he will do it again... if you think you can put up with it fine, if not go tell him whats up
    • Re: Please Help, I Don't Know What To Do About My Boyfriend.

      Honestly, I had an ex who was always keeping his feelings to himself and if I ever said anything to him which he didn't like, he would express his feelings to this other girl at his work, and where she was listening to him, he fell for her. We are now not together.

      My advice to you would be to ensure he knows your there for him if he is upset, make sure you reassure him that your there if he is upset with you, he needs to know you want to be the one to fix things. Not another girl.

      If you love him that much like I loved my ex, you need to make sure YOU are the only girl he tells his feelings to and that another girl isn't offering her sympathy instead of you.

      I hope I helped