He loves 2 girls...again.

    • He loves 2 girls...again.

      Ok, so please brace yourself for this thread as it may be very long.

      I have posted a thread in the past about my boyfriend holding hands with a girl which I feel uncomfortable with, so if you would like to know more about the story please refer to that.

      But I have been going out my my boyfriend for 5 years and he has grown feelings for 4 other girls in the past and we have broke up over it.

      However throughout the past 2 years he has been excellent as he has really grown to understand me and see what makes me happy, he is indeed the best boyfriend I could ever ask for apart from the girl scenarios.

      Now we are on our 5th year of being together and he has fallen in love with this girl which he works with (the girl he was holding hands with) he has felt this way for 3 months now.

      I was then on his phone as mine ran out of battery, I clicked safari and found a google answers page of which he had written a questions titled '2 girls?'
      The post that he wrote read exactly this:

      'Me and my gf have been together for 5 years and it's getting to a point where because of the past being brought up issues with other girls, it's making me unhappy also along with the hact im just not happy with her anymore.. We're on the verge of breaking up, obviously i love her to pieces cause we have been together for so long.. But iv'e met someone new who makes me so much happier, i'm finding it impossible to break up with my gf because I do still feel a connection.
      So now its getting to the point where I'm unhappy and iv'e met someone else.. As bad as it sounds cause I have a gf but this other girl is amazing. I think about this other girl more than my gf and I'm starting to love this girl.
      I know it sounds like i'm a dick but I actually am falling in love with this girl and i don't know what to do about it haha. I work with this girl and see her more than I see my gf, so that makes it worse but in general i have no idea what to do. I have so many feelings for this girl and she has a boyfriend as well as me having a gf, please help I'm going to explode lol'

      So now i really don't know what to do because I am so upset that this has happened again and I feel sick.
      I was meant to meet up with him today and his response was 'I dont want to meet up today cause I just got my new xbox headset...'

      I cried and cried for hours and I am seriously heartbroken, I love him so much but he treats me with no respect anymore just cause he has got feelings for this girl. I have left him but I still can't stop thinking about him.
      Please someone help me I just had dinner and started crying at the table and my parents are really trying their best to support me. But i really am in pain.

      He works with this girl and he never wants to see me. I said i dont wanna be with him again cause this is the last straw but in a few months I dont know.

      Any help will do, I REALLY appreciate anything and everything.
    • Re: He loves 2 girls...again.

      well as he summed it up hes a dick
      it sounds like he has no respect for you at all. which is unfair
      it sounds as if he has been leading you on for the past 5 years
      it sounds like he doesnt like commitment
      i think you breaking up with him was the best for you.. to save you from future heart break
      i know its gonna be hard getting over him and coping with the pain. its never easy to get over an ex. i only just recently got over mine. we were in love... and happy but then he started cheating and i eventually had enough. but i kept punishing myself and going back after him even though i was already with someone else and that ended in us cheating.
      i am very sorry this has happened to you
      your just gonna have to move on. it will take time but its for the best
      he obviously doesnt know how to treat a real girl. now hes going after someone he works with which could result in him losing his job. he will try and probably come back crying to you but as weak as you are i suggest you cut off all contact with him until your stronger
      dont give up hope
      things will get better :)
    • Re: He loves 2 girls...again.

      laylarosabel wrote:

      thank you so much for your help, do you still love you ex? How long were you with him for?

      we broke up a few short months of our one year
      he was cheating on me our whole relationship
      i still have a soft spot for him yes but im happier now
      got to the point he wanted to hurt my current boyfriend so a restraining order was filed. i cheated on my current multiple times before i finally realized i no longr loved him. i still find him attractive and what not but ill still never forgive what he has done to me. so love him=NO but i still care about him and i wouldnt wanna see him get hurt or anything. ive been with my current for 13 months
    • Re: He loves 2 girls...again.

      Move on I know 5 years of being with someone is kinda hard to just move on from. My guy friend dated a girl for 5 years she ended up cheating on him more than a few times. He still isn't completely over her but he has moved on.
      This guy should honestly be apologizing to you he left you for a girl who was already taken thats fucked up and I hope he gets casterated. But there is always someone out there that will treat you how you should be treated and won't ever think about leaving you
    • Re: He loves 2 girls...again.

      Nothing much to do here
      It feels horrible and it feels sad and you are broke hearted but that's how it is
      Leave him, move on
      YOu are not the first and not the last person who will be breaking up with someone
      You will find a better guy, he is not the one for you
      He doesn't respect you and has no same feelings for you - yes it hurts like a bitch but ou can't hange that
      Move on
      Have fun with friends
      Have sex with someone
      After few months you'll be OK
      I wish you luck - be strong and respect yourself

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ivaiva ().

    • Re: He loves 2 girls...again.

      He seem's to be a**hole. I mean this guy obviously doesn't value you as human being of care for you at all if he's doing these thing's. In the end the choice is up to you and there is nothing I can say here that hasn't already been said by somebody else. However I think you should dump him but that's just my opinion. Good luck in whatever choice you make.