I don't know what to do!

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    • I don't know what to do!

      Hi, lately I have been having these days where I just feel so awful and sad and I find it hard to talk to people. Recently I have been to see a psychologist about anxiety and depression but she hasn't seemed to help and everything she has said to me makes me feel more confused about it all. Some days at school I just feel like no one would notice if I wasn't there, like I could be sick one day and no one would even realise. I do have some close friends plus my best friend but even if I try to talk about it I feel like they don't understand and can often make it worse. I always seem to be the friend that listens to everyone else's problems and help them out when they need it but i feel like most of the time there is no one there for me. Because I am in year 12 this year I have tried talking to a couple of my teachers but they keep telling me I just need to take a break from working and that I have been working myself too hard although I know this is not the case because a lot of the time I barely work because I am stressing out about everything else!! If any one has any idea of what I should do any help would be appreciated!
      thank you <3
    • Re: I don't know what to do!

      Keep seeing a psychologist, if the one you're using right now doesn't seem like the right fit then try to find another. Regarding people not noticing if you're there, people assume you're sick for a day if you're gone that day. It's not that they don't care, they all have busy lives, and they might not have time to come give you soup. And think from their perspective: if they were gone for a day, what would you do? Probably not talk to them so they can relax and recover.