That FQA 'Does He Like Me?' But With A Twist

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    • That FQA 'Does He Like Me?' But With A Twist

      I have this friend who I've become good friends with. Some time ago, my friend had admitted to me that he is bisexual, and that he is actively looking for a boyfriend, exclusively. Yet in a sense he treats me like a girlfriend. We've known each other for about three years now and recently he's made a habit of finding me in the school hallways and giving me massive bear hugs as if he'd never see me again, going out of his way to talk and have reason to touch me; as in calling me after school almost daily and again giving dem bear hugs when and were ever he can. he's also has made it apparent to be as obnoxious as he can to people around him (lol) by embracing me in crazy hugs consisting of crazy spins and cuting people off in hall as well as the shouting of the word "lesbians" in a loving psychotic gesture to the women that word pertains to. He also has made it routine to walk me to class on our way back from lunch, as well as coming before 6th period starts to give me enthusiastic hugs and small talk, walking to our nearby 7th period classes together, AND might I mention the walking with me to the car after school. :rolleyes:

      We have a certain chemistry that I suppose is easy for others to read, as many of our mutual friends have commented to us that "we'd be adorable together", that "y'all should get together" and such. Though we both equally get those awkward feels when they say it I'm sure...idk

      Um, but anyways my thing is I don't know if he likes me or is just using me as a crutch for his newly found "I'm-finally-out-there attitude"... He confuses me one day telling me he wants me to move to Colorado with him once we graduate, the next is telling me how he thinks Matt Walst from My Darkest Days is hot... He has also admitted to having a crush on one of our mutual guy friends...

      But tonight, tonight he threw me for a loop!

      Telling me about how he had a girl friend (friend who was a girl, nothing specific) he had been good friends with and had thought he was really close to, how they had suddenly stopped talking and when he had tried rekindling the friendship that he grew bored of her. He then went on to say that he felt like he kind of "replaced" her with me. How he had believed he could never get as close to anyone has he had with her but that now he thinks he's closer to me than he ever was with her...

      So I don't understand, is he just using me as a crutch or does he have feelings for me and is just being shy about it?
      ~She's got a little book of conspiracies right in her hand. She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction.~

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TheGreenGurl ().

    • Re: That FQA 'Does He Like Me?' But With A Twist

      I've had a few bi-sexual friends in my day and if there's one thing ive learned its that no matter how much they confusse you with thier signals they are almost always more confussed about thier emotions than you are. (if that makes sense). my advice would be to straight up ask him about it. tell him the facts ( the hugs, walking you to class ect.) tell him how it strikes you and how it makes you feel. i know being open like this isnt always easy but it really is the best way. and if your worried about how its going to affect your relationship dont. he took the chance and was open with you about his sexuality so show him the same respect and tell him how you feel. honesty is what every good relationship is based on. if you have that ( like he says) he should be open to hearing you out and you should be open to his responce no matter what it is. hope this helps!
      life, is what you choose to make it.
      some live,
      others fake it