Pedophilia Is Normal

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    • Pedophilia Is Normal

      The basic issue is that sexual attraction to pubescent youngsters is not the slightest bit abnormal or unusual. Until recently, the age of consent was age 13 years in most parts of the world (including the United States) and it remains 14 in many places. Evolution has programmed humans to lust for pubescent youngsters--our ancestors did not get to live long enough to have the luxury of delaying reproduction. For hundreds of thousands of years, sex followed closely behind puberty. Only recently has society chosen to protect the moratorium of adolescence and to declare as inappropriate and illegal a sexual interest in the pubescent.

      I truly don't understand why It is considered Taboo to love children.In some societies single men would adopt young orphan girls and become their guardian, they would then marry them once they hit puberty.Our society finds it tragic when an adult finds himself becoming intimate with a young girl(or boy),however that same young girl might be already sexually active and most people would not find anything wrong with that. now, I am an adult college student, but I find myself becoming sexually aroused by young girls coming out of grad school as I stalk them in my pick up truck.As I stare at their freshly blossomed luscious breasts all the way down to their spandex trousers I overwhelmingly feel the need to exonerate my sexual desires by any means necessary.

      now these girls are already fucking and sucking around anyways, all i'm asking is if she is going for the Team. if she is a virgin then that's just a plus
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal


      ---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      I truly don't understand why It is considered Taboo to love children.In some societies single men would adopt young orphan girls and become their guardian, they would then marry them once they hit puberty.Our society finds it tragic when an adult finds himself becoming intimate with a young girl(or boy),however that same young girl might be already sexually active and most people would not find anything wrong with that. now, I am an adult college student, but I find myself becoming sexually aroused by young girls coming out of grad school as I stalk them in my pick up truck.As I stare at their freshly blossomed luscious breasts all the way down to their spandex trousers I overwhelmingly feel the need to exonerate my sexual desires by any means necessary.

      now these girls are already fucking and sucking around anyways, all i'm asking is if she is going for the Team. if she is a virgin then that's just a plus

      Pedophilia refers strictly to the attraction to children ages 11 and younger.

      Most people would find it wrong if an 11 year old were sexually active.

      You also seem to be looking strictly at the point of view of the Pedophile. The law believes that kids age 11 and younger aren't able to consent to sex with an adult. Do you disagree with this idea?
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      i agree with charles statement 100%
      children under the age of 16(here in canada) cannot properly consent to adult sex
      thats why teens of the ages 16 and under should not be having sex because they end of pregnant. we have too many pedophiles in this world.
      it disgusts me that someone an older adult for that matter can have sexual attractions towards young children. adults are supposed to be rolemodels not rapists
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      I truly don't understand why It is considered Taboo to love children.In some societies single men would adopt young orphan girls and become their guardian, they would then marry them once they hit puberty.Our society finds it tragic when an adult finds himself becoming intimate with a young girl(or boy),however that same young girl might be already sexually active and most people would not find anything wrong with that. now, I am an adult college student, but I find myself becoming sexually aroused by young girls coming out of grad school as I stalk them in my pick up truck.As I stare at their freshly blossomed luscious breasts all the way down to their spandex trousers I overwhelmingly feel the need to exonerate my sexual desires by any means necessary.

      now these girls are already fucking and sucking around anyways, all i'm asking is if she is going for the Team. if she is a virgin then that's just a plus

      You're one sick fuck. Seek help and turn you're self in too.
      Lets [COLOR="Red"]Rocket[/COLOR]!

      Heather;1063056508 wrote:

      One of the best members.

      Best Friend;1063065528 wrote:

      You are the best member.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      xxemobladexx wrote:

      i agree with charles statement 100%
      children under the age of 16(here in canada) cannot properly consent to adult sex
      thats why teens of the ages 16 and under should not be having sex because they end of pregnant. we have too many pedophiles in this world.
      it disgusts me that someone an older adult for that matter can have sexual attractions towards young children. adults are supposed to be rolemodels not rapists

      postscript: there was no statement to agree with... I wasn't stating an opinion I brought up some facts in regards to the topic and asked a follow-up question...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      You have completely disregarded the effects it has on the child. Research conducted over the past decade or so has found that a wide range of psychological and interpersonal problems are more prevalent among those who have been subjected to adult sexual advances as a child than among individuals with no such experiences. Such negative effects can be attributed by how such an experience is not only confusing and frightening to the child, but usually quite painful. It also interferes with the normal development of a child and leads to maladjustment later on.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Saradactyl ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Saradactyl wrote:

      You have completely disregarded the effects it has on the child. Research conducted over the past decade or so has found that a wide range of psychological and interpersonal problems are more prevalent among those who have been subjected to adult sexual advances as a child than among individuals with no such experiences. Such negative effects can be attributed by how such an experience is not only confusing and frightening to the child, but usually quite painful. It also interferes with the normal development of a child and leads to maladjustment later on.

      Interestingly enough, this is from excerpt is from an article written by a psychologist. However, you are absolutely correct, there are negative psychological effects and I don't deny this at all.In all due fairness he does go on to say that we shouldn't act upon our desires even though the fact remains that there is nothing unusual about being attracted to a "pubescent youngster", this is however, as far the article got in this regard. subsequently I am still ignorant of most the research in detail, however I am skeptical whether the conclusion of such research is innately factual or rather circumstantial.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Chuck Finster wrote:

      Who is the psychologist?

      Also: why didn't you respond to me? :(

      Allen Frances, MD

      sorry, I had my HANDS FULL. Anyways the model of pedophilia you presented is often used by(but not limited to) psychiatrists and other such academics, however the legal and popular term extends to includes "pubescent youngsters"

      The law believes that kids age 11 and younger aren't able to consent to sex with an adult.

      which law are you referring to?

      Do you disagree with this idea?

      in some countries people have child brides and consummate their marriage once the bride is able to have children. am I (a pseudo-intellect) to speak against this Idea? although not my personal preference

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fatal Intentions ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      Allen Frances, MD

      sorry, I had my HANDS FULL. Anyways the model of pedophilia you presented is often used by(but not limited to) psychiatrists and other such academics, however the legal and popular term extends to includes "pubescent youngsters"

      The average age in which girls start puberty is 10-11
      The average age in which boys start puberty is 11-12

      "pubescent youngsters" can tend to be ages 11 and younger. So that clarification didn't really change anything.

      Also if we're going to have a debate we should use scientific terms not popular terms.

      Also laws tend to be more specific than generic phrase like "pubescent youngsters" so that wouldn't make much sense.
      In most places they have an age of consent. Meaning that the term "pubescent youngster" isn't even slightly necessary.
      So I'm just confused.

      Also can you point to the specific article you found that quote in?

      which law are you referring to?

      Look up age of consent. I've talked about it countless times on this forum and I don't really feel like repeating myself.

      in some countries people have child brides and consummate their marriage once the bride is able to have children. am I (a pseudo-intellect) to speak against this Idea? although not my personal preference

      Are you kidding me? No one called you a pseudo intellect in this thread. You bringing names that other people have called you in other threads is just fucking childish dude.

      I asked you a simple fucking question. Do you disagree with the idea that a person age 11 or under cannot consent to sex with an adult?

      ---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

      Another question do you think that the idea of a child bride is okay?

      You say that "in some countries people have child brides and consummate their marriage once the bride is able to have children" but are you aware that girls under the age of 15 are FIVE TIMES more likely to die during child birth?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      "pubescent youngsters" can tend to be ages 11 and younger. So that clarification didn't really change anything.

      Also if we're going to have a debate we should use scientific terms not popular terms.


      Also laws tend to be more specific than generic phrase like "pubescent youngsters" so that wouldn't make much sense.

      however the legal and popular term extends to includes Hebephilia

      Also can you point to the specific article you found that quote in?

      Hebephilia is a Crime, Not a Mental Disorder - Psychiatric Times

      Are you kidding me? No one called you a pseudo intellect in this thread. You bringing names that other people have called you in other threads is just fucking childish dude.


      I asked you a simple fucking question. Do you disagree with the idea that a person age 11 or under cannot consent to sex with an adult?

      I thought I answered that already

      ---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

      are you aware that girls under the age of 15 are FIVE TIMES more likely to die during child birth?

      no I was not
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Chuck Finster wrote:

      So you posted a thread about Pedophilia using a quote from an article (an article behind a registration wall I might add... so I didn't get a chance to read it) about Hebephilia? :rofl: forgive me if I never take anything you post seriously ever again.

      the feeling is mutual this quote is from the link YOU provided
      Pedophilia is the act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."[9] This common use application also extends to the sexual interest in and sexual contact with pubescent or post-pubescent minors.

      :rofl: right back at ya
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Key phrase in that quote "common use application" also known as a "popular term" didn't I already say that if we are going to have a debate we should use scientific terms? We literally discussed this already. :lol:

      I can't take you seriously Fatal I don't know why I ever did. You're an "argument for argument's sake" kinda guy. Pathetic.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      LOL no because it's the closest thing we have to complete factual accuracy.

      Pedophilia as defined by the public is too broad a thing to debate because it includes children from birth to age 15. Pedophilia as defined by science is less specific and therefore more debatable.

      We're more likely to have a more fruitful debate if we stick to scientific terms.

      ---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

      But as previously stated you're an argument for argument's sake kind of guy and so idea of a fruitful debate is not even on your radar.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Chuck Finster wrote:

      LOL no because it's the closest thing we have to complete factual accuracy.

      what are you an empiricist?what laws regulate and determine what is factual. EXPLAIN

      We're more likely to have a more fruitful debate if we stick to scientific terms.

      and what is a fruitful debate? a debate in which your are rewarded fruit??
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      what are you an empiricist?what laws regulate and determine what is factual. EXPLAIN

      *facepalm* I said the closest thing to factual [I]accuracy[/I].. Key words closest and accuracy.

      and what is a fruitful debate? a debate in which your are rewarded fruit??

      A debate in which at the end all parties involved don't feel like their time was wasted. Right now, sitting here, having to explain SIMPLE IDEAS to you (because apparently you're too fucking stupid to get it, or you just argue for arguments sake (I'm assuming it's the latter)) is. a. waste. of. my. fucking. time. :rolleyes:

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      Interestingly enough, this is from excerpt is from an article written by a psychologist. However, you are absolutely correct, there are negative psychological effects and I don't deny this at all.In all due fairness he does go on to say that we shouldn't act upon our desires even though the fact remains that there is nothing unusual about being attracted to a "pubescent youngster", this is however, as far the article got in this regard. subsequently I am still ignorant of most the research in detail, however I am skeptical whether the conclusion of such research is innately factual or rather circumstantial.

      That doesn't surprise me at all, actually. Would you be able to send me a link to this particular article by any chance? I am quite curious.
      And I noticed that there was mention of the thoughts themselves being normal, not the act. I considered mentioning that in my post, but decided to hold off until I saw your response to what I had already typed.
      And is that last sentence in reference to the article or my post?

      ---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

      My gawd, I just read the rest of the posts.. and my gawd.. the fallacies.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?