First Kiss

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    • So,As you may guess,i've never had my first kiss:P
      to begin with,i'm a shy person only when it comes to dating.On the other hand i have 2 best friends and many other friends with whom i go out every weekend.So,i would like to know how it feels like to have a first kiss and what you should it as easy as it seems to be in movies:P ? what exaclty do you do? thanks for any answers!!have a nice day :D
    • Re: First Kiss

      Idk about evreryone else but my heart was beating like crazy! And I seriously considered pulling away and laughing (I always try to joke away uncomfortable situations) but I didn't, it hapoened and I've gotten my first kiss out of the way.
      It really was something, I felt a little dazed afterwards because I was so psyched. And it'll feel different depending on who u have it with. I suppose mone really was like a movie kiss but I think I was just lucky. Because my friends don't have good things to say about their first kisses.

      Bottom line, it'll happen when it happrnd and u probably shouldn't analhze it so much or u'll end up screwing it up if u're a nervous laugher like me. I can't really tell u how to prepare because it could happen unexpectedly but don't lick ur lips RIGHT before the kiss, I've heard some guys say they find it a little gross, bad breath is a major turn off so be packing mint always amd try your best not clash teeth with the person u kiss. That's just awkward.

      Kk so good luck! X