Help!! please i need some other opinion

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    • Help!! please i need some other opinion

      Advice for what to do... or at least help
      (Names are changed to hide identity)
      friendship (Neutral)
      Not a tomboy but not a stuck up snobby idiot like some girls i know.She is pretty short guessing 5feet 1inches at tallest. She has light
      brown hair that usually looks like water flowing down a creek at sunset with her golden highlights. Her eyes are brown a dark gentle caring brown
      they look like pearls with a small bit of chocolate on them. She always dresses beatifully. To be honest she is very nice and has a bit of a rebel that I
      sorely wish would come out more often. Meranda if you was to read this I would die. this is the most I've ever wrote about my emotions towards
      you. I wish you would see the way I look at you the small things I do for you
      (rejected when I asked her out afew years back)
      friendship (good friends)
      Missy is a cool kick ass gamer girl. Great company to be with no matter the mood. I am teased about liking her because she is African
      American. Honestly I could give a horses fliping nail less about that. The teases are gentle not yo bad i tease them back. Anyway back to the point.
      She is very amusing I guess she has this beatiful gothic black hair in which shines like the sun off of a silver surface. When she smiles I melt into a
      puddle. I will always try to protect her anyway i can! she hates designer clothing which, i agree with she will show up to school in the most colorful
      outfits she has. Sometime i thing she Doesn't wanna match. But, thats one of the things I love about her.She is into every type of video game even
      the Assassin's Creed Series which I though no girl liked that impressed me alot that day. I love her if she was to read that i would never be able to
      look her in the eyes again.
      friendship (really close friends)
      She is a I don't care what you think and if you don't like it too bad type of person. But, she is really very fun to be around. Some days its like she really likes me others its like hey bro! She never says that I shouldn't say what i think so I always give her the same respect. One day i'm shocked she didn't realize how I feel was when it was about 10 degrees we were outside for lunch break. and she didn't have coat in a very thin Long sleeve shirt that didn't block wind very well. so I gave her my jacket that fit her gracefully. And I had a BC Brotherhood tee shirt not that thick thinner that her long sleeve. and Boy it was cold.Rose is about 5"5" give or take, lushous brown hair and diamond eyes that peirce right through me.
      friendship (Decent friends)
      Zo is about 5"4" or so. She is a gamer sorta she likes minecraft and plays with me and my friends on it late at night usually. She is a prep
      and was the most out of place member of our circle. See she is a Volleyball-Cheerleader. Me and my friend Tony are parkourists. As well we dispise
      almost all preps because they flat out tourtured us until we beat up the main prep (2weeks of detention but it was worth it we are never bullied
      now!) She has a smooth flat body that sways in the wind. a drop dead smile that will melt you where you stand and well she is flat out hot! But, i
      know if I dated her I would be bored in a week sadly. we are just way to.... similar as in we both know what the other is usually going to say and we
      rarely talk.
      I am really not sure what to do here i feel very very desprate for help
    • Re: Help!! please i need some other opinion

      You need to decide yourself who you feel is the right fit for you.

      Although it may be nice that some of them like video games like you, the girl you are dating doesn't HAVE to like everything you like. Sometimes its better they are into different things, you can both learn knew things and have fun.

      Also sometimes people need something to escape to, something they can do that they love. And when you are dating someone that has the same interests as you, you may not be able to enjoy that hobby that you once loved as much.

      Just my opinion, hope it helped! I wish you the best of luck in finding the right girl for you.
      Was my answer helpful? Check out my new site for more help!:love1: