I get too attached to every guy I start to like...how can I stop/avoid doing this?

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    • I get too attached to every guy I start to like...how can I stop/avoid doing this?

      Every time I start to like a guy, I get waaaay too obsessive/attached to them. I'll think about them all day, wanna know what they're doing when they're not texting me back or talking to me, and think about how our relationship could be if we had one. I hate when this happens because so far every guy I've liked has been giving me mixed signals and I'm sick of getting upset every time something goes wrong with the guy I like. Right now I like this guy who's a senior who I've been talking to for about a month or so, online and texting, but we haven't even talked in person at school. Yet, I am still falling for him. When I get near him my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest because I get so nervous around him, I don't know what to do or say...I really wanna break the ice with him but I don't know how. He also seems like he wants to talk to me but is waiting for me to make the first move, idk should I? Or should I just keep waiting to see what happens in the near future?

      It's just hard for me to not like a guy, I feel like I need to like someone or else I'm going to be alone forever, but liking someone just brings upon all these insecurities and stressful thoughts too...so I'm at a point where i simply just don't know what to do anymore. I try to see each guy as a friend, but as soon as they do something I like or they act sweet, I start falling for them. Especially when they ignore me, that's when it's hardest for me to stop thinking about them. I keep thinking; what could I have done wrong? What's wrong with me? Why does every guy I like act nice at first and ditch me later on?...And then I get depressed and overthink soo much that I can't control it. I just want to stop getting so attached to every guy I like so I won't get hurt if they don't meet my expectations or do something wrong or end up ditching me, so please any suggestions or advice for me to get my mind off guys for a while or how to see them just as friends and not get emotionally attached?
    • Re: I get too attached to every guy I start to like...how can I stop/avoid doing this

      You have to think about why you do this. It's clear you want the company a guy would give you that you feel you're not getting anywhere else in your life. I think once you tackle this longing for company problem, you would stop doing it.
      But I must say, girls who are like this drive me insane and I think many others. What would you think if you came across a girl crying her eyes out over a guy she had never even dated/barely spoken too? It's silly.
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