I over think too much

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    • I over think too much

      I have been going out with this guy I've really liked for about a month. Things seem to be going well. I am just afraid that I text him or wanna talk on the phone too much. I don't want to be become the annoying girlfriend. We are separated by a great distance but we do hang out when he comes down. My life compared to his is very uninteresting and I am afraid i might be too boring for him. I know we've only been together a short time, but I would like it to last as long as Gods willing to let it.
    • Re: I over think too much

      I feel the same way. My boyfriend has a morning job, every day including weekends. He then goes to about 10 hours worth of training a week, which is also his job as he's training to be an instructor. He goes to college about 3-4 days a week and on Wednesday's he goes to Bristol for 3 hours for more training. Then on Sundays he goes to the gym. He does something every day and I don't know how he does it! Then here I am online most of the day, the most I do is tidy my room and I only have a part time job. He somehow finds time for me every single day though. :3

      I actually haven't text my boyfriend for around 7 hours today which is rare because I've been distracting myself and leaving him be as he hasn't replied, so I consider he's busy (this is his busiest day of the week). I think the main way you'll get annoying is if he's busy and you're texting him all the time. If he doesn't reply, he's not replying for a reason so try and distract yourself from texting him if he doesn't reply. Of course, if he doesn't reply for like 3 hours, then you have the right to wonder where he is or what he's doing. I always text him with 'you still alive?' :lol: It doesn't look like you're paranoid/worrying too much and it makes it more fun! :P
      You have to put yourself in their shoes and always remind yourself that if you're that busy, time goes faster than it does for you. To them it may feel like half an hour has gone by since texting you when really it's been 2 hours. Remember they're human beings with lives and they can't stop everything they've always done for you and be happy with the fact that they will eventually make time for you. :)
      Yanno time goes faster when you're having fun? Go do something fun and not only does time go faster and you get a text faster it seems, but you'll be late replying if you're that engrossed in what you're doing, making it look like you're busy and not waiting on his call/text! :)
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      la rubia loca wrote:

      what is prolapse?
      is it like pro life?
    • Re: I over think too much

      When me and my fiance started dating I felt like I was annoying him with how much I texted or called him. So I pulled him aside and asked him one day if it bothered him at all. And told him that he could tell the truth and it wouldn't hurt my feelings and if it did bother him I would back off... But he told me he loved it because than he knew I was as crazy as him as he was about me. And that he actually worried when I didn't text or call him. I mean I only texted him like 3-4 times a day and usually called him when he got off work so it wasn't that much but I still felt that way. Just ask him if it bugs him. Communication is one of the key things you need in a relationship if he see's that your willing to open up an talk to him about things he will be more open with you.