My mom

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    • My mom kicked me out of my own house on monday. It got to the point where she started to pick her new boyfriend over me. They've only been together for a month.
      Ever since she divorced my step dad, she changed. We got kinda close, but then she got a boyfriend named Greg. He was28 and shes 37. They were disgusting together. They would always have sex and I was able to hear EVERYTHING> it was disgusting and uncomfortable. but she didnt care... then they broke up just two months ago and now shes dating this new guy named aldo. and hes the reason why i am not allowed in my home... i am currently living with my boyfriend of two years, but our relationship isnt going very good right now either...
      so now i am stuck in a world on my own with nowhere to go(besides his house) . but at his house isnt where i want to be...
      i feel so alone right now. and it breaks my heart because my mom kicked my older brother out when he was 18, hes 20 now and i havent seen him since he left. i am only 16, i will be 17 in august and i cant imagine life without my mom. I have always beens so loyal to her, so i dont understan how she can just kick me out like this and say that i was the one who deserved it... what did i deserve? if she didnt want any kids then why did she have them? for the past three years ive felt like a burden to her and ive threatened to leave her, and she didnt care... i didnt either, but now that i am actually gone, i feel lost. i cannot depend on my boyofriend and his family forever, although that seems to be what is happening right now.
      i wish she would take me back but i know she wont especially since i told my grandma when she told me not to. but i had no other choice... now everyone has disowned my mom because of what she has done to me... at first it wasnt a big deal when she did it to my older brother because hes money hungry and abuses everyone in the family. but the fact that she did it to me drives everyone crazy, i am not perfect, but i was never a bad child, always maintained my grades, never really got into any trouble or anything. i just eneded up without a father and a dead beat mother... i never thought my life would have gotten any worse because it was going so goood..... but now that she has a boyfriend i am not priority anymore and now she has lost me and she doesnt care... should i care? i love my mom because shes my mom... she couldve made my life worse than it is but she didnt... but she didnt necessarily try to make it any better. i dont know what to do... i just feel alone right now and im not sure what i should do or what i need to do?????:(
    • You've got to consider in the first stages of a relationship, it's all butterflies and rainbows, everything's perfect and they have no problems so they will be shagging like rabbits.
      Why not try and resolve the issue you with your boyfriend? Maybe it's your situation with your mum which is putting tension on your relationship? I think you should focus on that more than anything, especially as you've been together for over 2 years.
      The only thing you can do is tell your mum how she's making you feel. You need to have a heart to heart and she may consider taking you back and resolving it and being more of a mother to you. If that doesn't work, then I think you should start saving to move out alone or you could possibly find your brother and ask to live with him?
      Where I live, we have places for runaway children. You go there and you get a room and food etc. It's practically a kiddie version of your own apartment and they look like pretty nice rooms. They don't contact anyone or ask anything of you. So maybe you should look into some place like that. I'm sure they'd take you in considering your current situation because you inevitably have no where to stay.
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      la rubia loca wrote:

      what is prolapse?
      is it like pro life?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Hann. ().

    • Nothing was perfect in my moms relationships. The first guy she dated wasn't really her boyfriend. They were just fuck buddies...
      I agree that the problems I had with my mom were causing a lot of tension on my relationship. Ad things are getting better, but still, I haven't talked to my mom and its causing me to become emotionally exhausted.
      My brother lives up in Oregon and he works 24/7 so that wouldn't be a good idea. I think what I'm doing right now is good for me, just the feeling of abandonment by my second parent is really getting to me. :(
    • I am sorry that this is going on in your life
      what she is doing is wrong. very wrong. no mother should ever choose a boyfriend/girlfriend over their own children or family. my dad did that to me.. chose his new wife and 2 kids over me. i was heeart broken and it was very hard. eventually cas(childrens aid) got involved and took me away from home. I think you taking a break is a good thing but for now stop talking to her.. let her realize what she has done.. dont let her peer pressure making you give in....
      stay with you boyfriend... atleast your safe with him... when your mom realizes what she has lost she will quickly snap back into reality. and whenever she does decide to try and get you back dont let her back into your life so easily.. because then she will think everything is ok. sit her down and have a serious convo with her and tell her everything
      good luck
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • yes this is a true statement but sometimes its best to let go of those we love
      when all they do is reject us and make us feel worthless
      in my case my dad made me feel worthless. he abandoned me for my step mother and my brother and sister... we talk now but im still warming up to him
      I replaced him with my father in law for a bit.
      I know how you are feeling and I know this isn't easy to hear but its probably the best thing for you to do at this point.
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Do you have any relatives that you know other than your mom? They might be able to help you. Spend time with your friends, your best friends can always be there for you.

      About your mom, just let her go. =/ If she has made a decision, sounds like there is nothing that can change her mind judging from the story about your brother that you told us. One day, she will regret it. If not, then why even care?

      What do you do right now to get money for the tuitions? Money is important, make sure to manage it well assuming that you depend on your own right now. [NEVER consider to be a prosititude. Sorry if this sound offensive, but at this moment seems like everything could happen to you. I just wanted to remind you.]

      Hope things get better somehow. Never give up! Life is a bitch sometimes, just consider it a challenge, yeah?
      'Life is like a game sometimes.' - Avril Lavigne
    • Well, my grandma kind of helps, but i do not wish to be a burden to her so i am only with her on the weekends. I dont really have any friends.... I work part time doingdifferent things, working in the fiels, cutting grass, babysitting, things that will give me money for the week. School i am not so worried about because i wont be going to school when i graduate.
      Prostitution has never been a consideration of mine, so dont worry about it haha