Did I Betray My Mom?

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    • Did I Betray My Mom?

      :(On monday my mom kicked me out of the house because she basically chose her new boyfriend of 1 month over me.. I have taked about that situation already.... But then she posted a status on facebook that said i betrayed her.. She didnt neccessarily say it was about me, but she made it pretty obivous. She didnt say my name in it or tag me because she doesnt want anyone besides my grandma to know about our situtation... But i thats the case why post anything in general about it? In her post she talks about how she did her "best" in being a single parent but in return all she did was get shit on... Ummm? SHE kicked ME out, so how am i the one who betrayed her? Shes waiting for me to call her or text her begging to come back home, but im not going to do that. I am sooo much better than that. Am i wrong for feeling the way i do? I am currently living with my boyfriend of two years and his mom agrees with the way i am feeling. It wasnt right for my mom to just kick me out for no reason you know? All because she felt like i was in her way of being happy... Well i ma gone now and she stil isnt happy... What more does she want? She has gone through two divorces, shes woring on boyfriend #2 since her second divorce and she has lost both her childrend because of her slefishness. So, did i betrey her? Am i wrong for the way i am feeling? Should i even talk to her again? Our whole family has been having really bad issues lately, and then this happend to me and my mom. This is so emotionallyl draining and i am running out of options.. Someone help me please.. <|3:(
    • Re: Did I Betray My Mom?

      I think that what you did was right. she clearly needs some space for a while
      try and stay out of the situation for as long as you can cause clearly se is gonna regret it somewhere down the line. I had this happen with my dad. except he put me up in foster care and group homes... and then we stopped talking recently for 9 months but once he realized he was the one who made the mistake he started talking to me again. obviously your mom has dependency issues. do you get along well with her boyfriend? does he like you. if he cares about you he wouldnt let your mom walk all over you like that. just take a break. show her your better then her that you are no weak and you wont let her get you down. granted it may hurt for a bit and you may feel alot of hatred and anger towards her but something good will come of it. in the end it will all work out
      good luck PM me if you wana talk
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Re: Did I Betray My Mom?

      You don't need to talk to her. You don't, and you shouldn't.
      She's being a bitch to you, a SELFISH bitch who thinks only of herself-something that a parent shouldn't eveer be. And for actions like that, there are always consequences. For her, it may be losing her daughter. She was probably very well aware of that, but she doesn't care. If she did, she wouldn't kick you out for a boyfriend. Keep that in mind if you ever feel like crawling back to her. She clearly doesn't care about you enough, so you get nothing good from going back to her. She'd walk all over you and that's not a way to live. Try to get on your feet and live your life. You can't expect anything from her.

      You're not wrong for feeling that way, you couldn't possibly be. What she's doing is TERRIBLE. And you really are so much better than taking her crap and crawling back.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]He holds me in his big arms
      Drunk and I am seeing stars
      This is all I think of

    • Re: Did I Betray My Mom?

      ^this and its always good to have a parental influence in your life but when its somebody as inconsiderate and selfish as her mother I would hate to be in her shoes. but I have been. my daddy betrayed me for his new wife and their 2 kids
      its never easy. I totally feel for the OP. its never easy being cast aside and thrown away by the person who bore you into the world/or raised you. I just hope she will wake up from her day dream soon before she loses you forever
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Re: Did I Betray My Mom?

      Sounds like my mom. I've been tossed out one too many times. I mean she's thrown my head into the door before because I tried to escape her once. Right now I'm with my bro at my dad's house cause I can't stand her. I mean my mom will tell me to my face that I'm a bitch for telling her to get a fucking job instead of living with my uncle. But yet it always turns out a couple of weeks later she apologizes and I move back in. Don't do what I do because it'll just cause you more pain, stay strong and resist. Then when she falls hard on her ass she'll learn a valuable lesson and will hopefully beg you for forgiveness.
      But I'm not close to perfect. I'm not close to sane. I'm not the one to worship. And I'm not the one to blame.