Does she like me?

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    • Does she like me?

      There is this girl at school who I have been friends with for quite a while and over the past couple of months I have started to like her. I'm not very confident and I really want to know if she likes me before I make a move.

      She has always confided in me closely and told me I am funny quite a lot. She also lightly touches me on my arm alot and I sometimes see her looking at me out of the corner of my eye but she always looks away when I look at her. When we are talking she often maintains eye contact with me and laughs at a lot of the things I say. She has also told me she loves me, which I assumed to be simply as friends. We also used to text a lot.

      However, during the Easter holidays (about three or four weeks ago), I told her like her and got a reply saying "awwwwwwww" and another saying that she thought I did. She still spoke to me but in the past week or two she has often replied with only one or two words or ignored me completely. Sometimes, whilst at school, she has pretended to ignore me or has been meen and cold hearted. Despite all of this, she still talks to me, laughs alot and all of the other things I have said above, with the exception of texting a lot, basically being her normal self around me.

      So does she like me or is she just playing a game? Any help would be appreciated guys and please remember I am very unconfident and, because of this, have never had a girlfriend.

      Thanks alot guys. :)

      P.S. It is normally me who has to start the conversation as she very rarely does. I'm not sure if this is significant.