I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

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    • I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      Ok so i'll just tell my problems really quick.

      My parents are weird and strict. They act like they love me one minute then yell at me the next and i can't take it. Last year, I dated a guy for the first time even though I wasn't allowed to date. I didn't tell my parents and he didnt tell his. However, when he dumped me, I was having such anxiety that I spilled and told my mom. She freaked out on me. She was ready to kill me. Eventually We agreed that I would never do it again, although I didn't learn my lesson. This year I went out with another guy. Unfortunatly his mom found out. I was having such anxiety about it (because she might tell my mom) that I broke up with him I got a little more mature and finally said you know I cant do this in middle school its not right i betrayed my parents but i still cant tell them. However,even though he wasnt upset he completely understood, he said he cannot know for sure if his mom will keep it a secret that we dated. Now I'm constantly hanging around my mom and jumping when the phone rings and I'm ready to puke whenever my parents are having a serious comversation and I question them nonchalantly afterwords to try and figure out what its about and so far it hasnt been me. However Im always feeling horrible about myself but i dont have the guts to say anything and i know im such a bad person for doing it and i just started sneacking a razor in the bathroom and you can see where thats going so plz any suggestions? If someone could help me come up with some lies maybe to tell my mom if it ever comes up? I'm horrible but i'm desperate because I need to survive a couple more years with my parents before I can move out.

      Plz help!!!!
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      Coming from me i too am depressed so hear me out. Harming can suck balls. It is dangerous. Depression happens but no harming. Thats the first step. Now how old are you?grade 7 should be when you should be aloud to dare. Tell your parents. Now to continue, calm down its not hood to lie but in this case u should now what do uour cuts look like? Think about it than make a lir thatakes sense. Automatically stop tho!NO MORE CUT to continue i think u should get help! Now for me.... Idk wat to do for me.... Good luck tho
      Emily[FONT="Lucida Console"][/FONT][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="4"]:love1:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      EmilyJade101 wrote:

      Coming from me i too am depressed so hear me out. Harming can suck balls. It is dangerous. Depression happens but no harming. Thats the first step. Now how old are you?grade 7 should be when you should be aloud to dare. Tell your parents. Now to continue, calm down its not hood to lie but in this case u should now what do uour cuts look like? Think about it than make a lir thatakes sense. Automatically stop tho!NO MORE CUT to continue i think u should get help! Now for me.... Idk wat to do for me.... Good luck tho

      Thanks EmilyJade101. Im trying really hard im just scared that my moms gonna find out and its just that Id rather take a knife to my own throat than have her do it. Cuz I know for a fact she would take one right off the cuttingbord and stick it to me.
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      If you seriously think for a second that your mom will kill you if she learns the truth, you've got it all wrong.

      Just tell them the truth. Seriously. She freaked out on you? So what. Tell her how you really feel, work something out between your parents about dating. Something like this shouldn't lead to cutting...
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      Please, do me a favor, don't harm yourself. Especially in middle school. Especially ever. Never do it, don't harm your body like that. I understand your anxiety, I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks, but try to relax. This should NOT lead to harming yourself.

      Your parents love you, understand that. They only want the best for you. I suggest that when you and your parents get a free moment, go up to them and say you need to seriously have a talk, and tell them that you'd appreciate if they just listened and didn't freak out, because it's making you very unhealthy, worrying about what they're going to think. Parents should be there for you, not yell at you for everything you do wrong. That's a part of growing up, making mistakes and learning from them.

      Everything will be okay.
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      I can honestly say I can relate. My parents are very strict. I'm 15. In 7th grade I dated a boy and I wasn't allowed to. I accidentally told my mom and I think the best thing is to be honest. There were many things I kept to myself that I ended up regretting. It got to the point I cut myself and eventually burned myself. It's not easy feeling alone with nobody to help you out. Your mom is wise and although she is strict, she knows what is best. Self harm isn't good and you will regret it in the long run. Instead of having anxiety about it, you should just deal with the consequences. Instead of lying you could say, "Hey mom, I know we talked about this before but I went out with this guy but I broke up with him because I knew it was wrong to betray your trust. I'm sorry." I think your mom would appreciate it more than you lying to her. Best of luck. :)
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      Really, I think it's ridiculous how much control parents believe to have over their children's lives.

      Not allowing stuff like dating always leads to lies, not protecting your child. They should know that.

      Tell your mom the truth, it'll be easier for you than if she finds out from someone else.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]He holds me in his big arms
      Drunk and I am seeing stars
      This is all I think of

    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      ok ask your parents why they dont want you to date?..they prob just dont want you to get hurt and in doing this its hurting you because they dont trust you enough to make the right decisions for you tell your mom that you had a boyfriend but also tell her about these panic attacks plz hunn she can help...self harm plz stop ive been at it for years and jinx is carved on my leg for the rest of my life so plz stop it is dangerous and a bad coping mechanism for the rest of your life

      i realize im a hypocrite and i accept it from my mistakes i can help others grow
    • Re: I've made so many mistakes, and I'm starting to harm myself.

      Your parents won't actually kill you. You're conflicted because you wanna be with this guy and you don't want to lie to your parents either. If you really feel that bad about lying to your parents, tell them. Talk to them and ask them why they don't want you to date. You could come to a compromise if you talk to them.. and if you lie to them and they find out, you'll lose their trust and be probably be grounded for life. It is natural for you to want to do things that go against your parents at this age. Don't beat yourself over it.
      Your parents are just trying to be protective. Its very easy for a guy to take advantage of you when you're so young. Probably the reason why you're not allowed to date.

      Please don't harm yourself. That's an extremely harmful way of coping with stress. Your so young. Just don't do it, write a diary to express yourself instead.


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