I just don't know.

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    • I just don't know.

      Hi, well I'm very confused with my current "relationship". Um let me start by telling you that I am currently 16, I turn 17 next month. In January of this year I was on this online chat room site that I go to and this guy messaged me. We clicked immediately and just became really really good friends. He's 20 and and actually has a girlfriend he lives with. We were best friends up until April, during the time we talked we had somehow managed to fall in love with each other even though he has a girlfriend already. Honestly when we first started talking we only had the intent to be friends because of the girl. We started talking everyday, telling each other things some of our own personal friends don't know. I cried to him when I fought with one of my best friends and I fought. In April we both confessed our feelings to each other, how we loved each other. He lives 6 states away from me, and is still with the other girl, but it's because he lives with her. He's told me many times how much he loves me and only wants to be with me. And I really do love him so very very much. We've made plans for him to move down here and live with me once I graduate high school. Honestly I have never met someone and just became best friends so fast. We have so many things in common and actually are just a lot alike. I just don't know if I should really and truly commit to this. Am I being stupid for loving a guy with a girlfriend who lives almost 1,000 miles away from me? When he calls me his voice becomes kind of raw with emotion when he tells me he loves me. Just, I'm confused. I really really love him, help please?
    • Re: I just don't know.

      FarAwayLove wrote:

      He's not 50, like he turns 21 in July. He sends me pictures all the time and like he has a Youtube account that he has me watch every so often to hear his like new music. And like I've wondered about that myself if I were to trust this how would I know he wouldn't do the same to me.

      You know he can just find pictures on the internet or get hem from somewhere else right? Like the others said, he would leave his gf fast just for you? And you havent even met yet.

      Seems legit.
    • Re: I just don't know.

      MadMax23 wrote:

      What ever you decide, take care , and if you decide to meet him, let that be in your town, now his...

      Well that's what I was going to do. We have talked about if we are still together next year once I graduate him coming dow here where I live and staying with me. Like I want to meet him but I'm also scared that if I do bring him down here he'll just leave me.
    • Re: I just don't know.

      Intermission wrote:

      He's probably lying and 50 years old.

      ^ What she said. This guy seem's like trouble of some sort. I would cut him free as soon as possible!
      Technology is neither good nor bad, nor even neutral. Technology is one part of the complex of relationships that people form with each other and the world around them; it simply cannot be understood outside of that concept.