I hate my girlfriend's best friend

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    • I hate my girlfriend's best friend

      I'm currently part of a long distance relationship for the past 1 year now(A normal relationship of 2 years before that:hugs:). My girlfriend is away at college in a different city while I continued college in our home city.
      Since my girlfriend has met this one girl at college, it seems like she has totally changed. This friend of hers is a drunkard, frequent drug user and randomly makes out with boys at wild parties. This girl is also OBSESSED with her looks. She's from a small town and has always lived with her parents. So, getting a free rein is something huge for her.
      This girl has affected my girlfriend a LOT and I am beginning to notice the changes in her. She used to be a cheery, talkative girl and was the least bothered about her looks. Now, she's changed a lot. She hardly talks on the phone with me, seems distant and almost cheated on me once, too (She told me about it). Even after all this, she claims to still love me. I don't know if it's the distance that is making me feel like this or what.
      Should I break up with her because of this new 'best friend'? I really, really love her.:(