Temptation and Hurtful Parents

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    • Temptation and Hurtful Parents

      I just.. I don't know how to talk to anyone, or even what to say. So much has gone on in my life in the past 2 months. My parents don't give a crap about my -- they know I cut myself. I have deep scars from months and months ago. They think they can send me to a mental care place and it'll all be over.

      They're the ones doing it to me though; I got caught doing things with my boyfriend. No, I don't regret it. Life is too short to regret, and if you regret something, it makes things worse because you can't change your past. So I don't regret it. Because of that, they cut me off from everyone. I can't see my boyfriend and I can't see my best friend whom has been like a sister to me for nearly 6 years. I can't even walk outside without their permission.

      I'm seriously lacking physical contact with people. I'd give anything just to hold my boyfriend's hand or hug my best friend. I'd do anything just to see them in person. I don't even have to touch them. I just want to see them and hear their voice in real life -- not through a phone call that I have to keep hidden.

      My parents hate each other and are divorced. Whenever I have a breakdown because I can't handle the mean things they say to me (especially my mom) they just ship me off to the other parent. I can't even spend the night with my grandmother, who seems to be the only family member who gives a damn.

      But my grandma can't do anything. My best friend can't do anything. I can't do anything. No one can, except for my parents. Are they going to help me? Are they going to be kind and understanding? No. They don't want to deal with it and never will.

      Sorry for the ridiculously long post. I just don't know what to do. I feel trapped, caged.
    • Re: Temptation and Hurtful Parents

      They're the ones doing it to me though; I got caught doing things with my boyfriend. No, I don't regret it. Life is too short to regret, and if you regret something, it makes things worse because you can't change your past. So I don't regret it. Because of that, they cut me off from everyone. [B]I can't see my boyfriend and I can't see my best friend whom has been like a sister to me for nearly 6 years. I can't even walk outside without their permission.[/B]

      First off, I'm sorry for the rough time you're going through.

      Surely they can't be with you all the time? What about when you go to school or something?