Does he like me?

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    • Does he like me?

      This is a bit silly but... I'm a teenage girl (16 years old) and I'm asking for a bit of outside opinions on a situation involving a boy I like. Me and this boy aren't too close but we're sort of in the same circle of friends. For starters, although I've liked him for a while, I'm still a bit unsure if he likes me in return. I've picked up on a couple things such as copying what I do in lessons; this has happened on a few occasions like a while back we had a supply teacher and whilst the teacher was getting work, I put my head down on the desk and my friend next to me said something to me so put my thumbs up whilst I still had my head down on the desk (this probably seems irrelevant but I'm getting to it). When I lifted my head up and turned round, the boy I like was talking to his friends and then he put his head down on the desk and stuck his thumbs up like I did. I have also done a little test to see if he was copying me once where I twiddled with my pen because I had finished the work and he started twiddling too. I thought this could be a coincidence because it's a common thing to do so I decided to put my pen on the desk and spin it with my fingers and he also did the same. More recently our group of friends have prom coming up and 16 of us are going on the same transport together. My friend also had the idea (before she found out I liked him) that all of us go as dates because there was an equal amount of boys as girls. My friend rang me up whilst I was walking home with this boy to tell me about the idea and she said that we could go together and we agreed. A couple weeks later some of the people decided they didn't want to go as pairs so we thought we'd do it as whoever wants to go as dates can. Now this boy is a bit like me, confident with friends but when it comes to being with others we can be a bit shy and awkward. Back to the prom situation, I thought that this person I like is the type of boy who if they didn't want to do something (like going with me as a prom date) he wouldn't do it, but I asked him if he still wanted to go together he said he was still fine with it. At the time there was also a couple of other pairs so we weren't the only ones. Time passed and situations occurred and we ended up being the only pair going as a date and I wasn't sure if he still wanted to go as prom dates considering we would have been the only ones out of 16. He messaged me first this time and said about maybe going as a group instead, but also made sure after he said this that that's what our other friend said to him in separate conversation. The boy I liked kept saying that he was just making sure I was fine with being the only pair as I said that I was worried that he felt he was obligated to go with me but reassured me, so we still continued as going as dated. He's also quite close to another girl, but this girl on the other hand is quite close to a few of his friends because they've all known each other for a while. I've recently started to think that he might like her instead, as he is a bit more confident with her and just generally speaks to her a bit more. Prom's next week and I still like him, still going as dates (matching tie and corsage as well) but I would feel a bit let down if he likes this other girl, even though she is going as a prom date with another boy (they're both coming on the same transport as us so we're not the only prom date now). I thought that perhaps he might speak to her more because he's good friends with her, but is shy around me because he might like me. Do you think this is the case?
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Please add paragraphs next time, it's a killer to read a big block of text.

      Is the other girl that he might like friendzoned, or do you think he might actually like her?

      Truthfully none of us here will know for sure what's going though his mind. He might like you still, in which case you're fine, or he might not like you anymore but is still going to prom because he either doesn't want to hurt your feelings, or he wants to make the other girl jealous (unlikely), or he just doesn't want to go by himself. I'd just wait til after prom and try to see how he's really feeling and if he still has feelings for you and is wiling to have a relationship with you.
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Mm it's hard to tell. Don't read into everything he does so seriously. Maybe he just likes your style and doesn't mind being around you because thinks you're cute or something. If you want to find out if he likes you romantically, I suggest you make a bold move. Hold his hand or run your fingers through his hair or put his hands on your hips...anything to show you're interested! If he shows you interest back, he just might like you as more than a friend.
      Again, I think you might be taking what he does too seriously. I have an older brother that girls constantly throw themselves at. My bros not a jerk, but it's sooo weird how one day he may be very interested in a girl, and the next week he barely remembers her last name. My point is, you'll be amazed how much guys don't see things the way we girls see it. Relax a little because it sounds like you'll get your feelings hurt.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Faded000 ().