Dreaming of cheating on him

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    • Dreaming of cheating on him

      So last night I had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend of 2 years with his very best friend who lives across the street from us. We see him daily and we are very close. I must admit he is cute, but I would never fathom of cheating on my boyfriend with him. They're like brothers. My dream started off at a house that was mine, I guess. I led him(my boyfriends friend) upstairs to get some lunch and watch a movie. It was getting dark and my boyfriend was nowhere to found. Then out of nowhere my boyfriends friend and I started to make out. Leading to more and more touching and kissing. And eventually we started to have sex and my boyfriend walked in on us. He was very angry. He punched a wall and ran out the door. I put a robe on and ran after him. He was crying and I was crying. I was apologizing to him holding him in my arms. His friend was behind us crying and apologizing as well. We sat there for what seemed to be hours just crying. Then he and his friend had a talk then my boyfriend and I talked then we all talked and everything was okay. My boyfriends friend and I were forgiven, and life went on... It was a really strange dream. |: what does it mean??
    • Re: Dreaming of cheating on him

      LOL dream interpretation.

      Dreams really don't mean anything. You find him attractive, regardless of whether you'd cheat on him or not, it's normal to dream or fantasize about him.

      I had a dream that I gave birth to a baby boy and that my husband accidentally killed him on the way home from the hospital by suffocating him with a bible.

      Does this mean that all 3 ultrasounds I had confirming it was a girl are wrong?Probably not.
      Am I worried my husband is going to kill our child? Definitely not. I'm the clumsy one, it's be me who's more likely to accidentally kill it. He will be a fantastic, careful father.

      And lastly, suffocating him with a bible? lmao
      All a bible is useful for is for starting fires. I certainly wouldn't have one in my family's possession.

      Dreams just play on our emotions now and then.
      Don't read into it.
      June 26 2010<3
    • Re: Dreaming of cheating on him

      isabel215 wrote:

      So last night I had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend of 2 years with his very best friend who lives across the street from us. We see him daily and we are very close. I must admit he is cute, but I would never fathom of cheating on my boyfriend with him. They're like brothers. My dream started off at a house that was mine, I guess. I led him(my boyfriends friend) upstairs to get some lunch and watch a movie. It was getting dark and my boyfriend was nowhere to found. Then out of nowhere my boyfriends friend and I started to make out. Leading to more and more touching and kissing. And eventually we started to have sex and my boyfriend walked in on us. He was very angry. He punched a wall and ran out the door. I put a robe on and ran after him. He was crying and I was crying. I was apologizing to him holding him in my arms. His friend was behind us crying and apologizing as well. We sat there for what seemed to be hours just crying. Then he and his friend had a talk then my boyfriend and I talked then we all talked and everything was okay. My boyfriends friend and I were forgiven, and life went on... It was a really strange dream. |: what does it mean??

      The cheating may actually symbolize your inability to resist an indulgence Have you recently turned your back on a regular habit or promise?

      Here's a quote from an online dictionary:

      "To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

      To dream of a partner cheating on you represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making.

      A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own. It may also reflect a sense of emotional abandonment as your partner pays more attention to a hobby or their job than they do to you." [Source: dreambible.com]
    • Re: Dreaming of cheating on him

      I've had a dream that I've cheated before and I know the guilty feeling. It almost feels like you've actually done it. I was so ashamed of dreaming something like that, that I couldn't even tell my boyfriend what I dreamt of. It felt like admitting to cheating when I'd never do such a thing! I was actually dreaming of cheating on him with a random guy who went to my high school who I barely spoke too or had any kind of friendship or attraction too!
      I think I looked it up and it doesn't necessarily mean anything. It especially doesn't mean that you want to cheat on your boyfriend. I think because you find his friend quite attractive, that's why him in particular was in your dream when it could've been anyone.
      When you dream of something, it's usually a metaphorical dream, meaning it shows something but it represents something else. You just have to be open minded when it comes to dreams. If someone dreams of cheating, they mainly focus on the cheating part and how bad it is, rather than consider the real meaning behind it and reflect it on them or their lives.

      Like in the post above, it says that it represents impulsive choices, not necessarily meaning that you want to cheat. You can have impulses about anything but cheating is considered one of the biggest impulses someone can have and go through with, that's why your brain chose cheating as a metaphor for what you're really feeling.
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      la rubia loca wrote:

      what is prolapse?
      is it like pro life?

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