Girl that I'd like to date?

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    • Girl that I'd like to date?

      I've had an on-off crush on next door neighbour for about six months now. We used to work together, but she got fired. She's extremely hot, and from what I can tell, kinda slutty. She seems to go from guy to guy, and while I can't confirm it, I wouldn't be surprised if she's putting out.

      I just turned 14, she'll be turning 15 this month. She goes to a different school, but we see each other around a lot.

      I asked her out before, but she had a boyfriend at the time. Then they broke up, and I considered asking her again. Then I ran into her the next day, and I mentioned the break up, and she said she already had several offers, more than one of which she was considering.

      Admittedly, my interest in her is purely physical. She's got an awful personality and her intelligence could be considered anti-smart. Still, that doesn't change the fact that she's hotter than the sun.

      So what should I do? Assuming you're going to help me with my interests, and not be totally bitchy about it.
    • Re: Girl that I'd like to date?

      I think my answer will fall in to the category of "totally bitchy" but I think you're getting yourself in to a mess. You're 14, why the need to be so physical with someone who (from the sound of it) gets around? I would suggest you find someone who doesn't seem so easy, and save yourself the trouble from this girl.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling