does he like me or am i just wasting my time?

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    • does he like me or am i just wasting my time?

      hi i'm leigha and im 16. here's my situation.
      so ive liked this guy jack since may and i still do. but i don't know if he likes me. heres my really long story:

      ( about jack: were friends, hes got a different personality..hes really sarcastic and like to mess around with me or play bully whatever u wanna call it, and we dont text, for some reason he's hard to text)

      i was talking to jacks best friend and one of mines named merek. i told him that i liked jack and well of course merek told jack and u know jack and i are friends so things kind of got a little weird but we both played it cool. then my friend morgan was talking to him about me and she goes "so do u like leigha" and he never said anything but he asked " does she like me" and she said yes well by that time i was a little pissed cuze it's humiliating if a guy doesn't like u back and when he asked my bestfriend allie if i did she said no not anymore and he said good cuze i only like her as a friend. things went back to normal after a while with him bullying/messing with me. thenn one night while talking to merek he says "well ya'll both like each other" hahahaa i al most flipped so 2 weeks left of school i started gaining my confidence and messing around with him like he did to me. whats really weird is he doesn't express his feelings that well and since hes sarcastic a lot w=the small little flirting thing he does surprises me. school ends and i realize it's never gonna happen so i start forgetting about him till merek wants me to go see fireworks with him and some friends and jack would be there. i thought things were gonna be normal like in school with jack but oh no i got there and it was so awkward i cant even describe. after maybe an hour or so he starts his little bullying going "if we get stuck in this elevator i vote eating leigha first" or when he goes " are u a girl and not a hermaphrodite cuze i'm pretty sure u have balls" that kind of thing. later on in the night all 6 of us are just throwing the football around for a while and we all walk over to take a rest and im standing next him and i forgot what he said but i he said something that made me give him a face and for the first time that whole night or even ever i thought he had heart. he turns and goes "aww leigha don't give me that face u know im just kidding, im just being mean" in the sweetest way. mind blown. we sat down to watch the fireworks and were far away from each other with merek in the middle and every time merek did something we both turned and either we would make eye contact or i would see him on the corner of my eye looking at me sometimes.

      i hope this story makes sense.

      i just really don't know wat to do. if it's a waste of my time liking him or not? people say when a guy bullies u they like you but also they could just be doing that cuze they like getting under ur skin. so im stuck and just need help
      thank you:)